Long-term and short-term vertical velocity profiles across the forearc in the NE Japan subduction zone T Matsu'ura, A Furusawa, H Saomoto Quaternary Research 71 (2), 227-238, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
A study on paleotsunami using handy geoslicer in Sendai Plain (Sendai, Natori, Iwanuma, Watari, and Yamamoto), Miyagi, Japan Y Sawai Ann. Rep. Active Fault Paleoearthq. Res. 7, 47-80, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
Late Quaternary uplift rate of the northeastern Japan arc inferred from fluvial terraces T Matsu'ura, A Furusawa, H Saomoto Geomorphology 95 (3-4), 384-397, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Late Quaternary uplift rate inferred from marine terraces, Muroto Peninsula, southwest Japan: Forearc deformation in an oblique subduction zone T Matsu'ura Geomorphology 234, 133-150, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy and cryptotephrostratigraphy of deep-sea sequences (Chikyu C9001C cores) as tools for marine terrace chronology in NE Japan T Matsu'ura, A Furusawa, K Shimogama, N Goto, J Komatsubara Quaternary Geochronology 23, 63-79, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Late Quaternary cryptotephra detection and correlation in loess in northeastern Japan using cummingtonite geochemistry T Matsu'ura, I Miyagi, A Furusawa Quaternary Research 75 (3), 624-635, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Characteristics of the surface rupture associated with the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture earthquake, central Japan and their seismotectonic implications T Maruyama, Y Fusejima, T Yoshioka, Y Awata, T Matsu'ura Earth, planets and space 57 (6), 521-526, 2005 | 29 | 2005 |
Detection and correlation of widespread cryptotephras in middle Pleistocene loess in NE Japan using cummingtonite geochemistry T Matsu’ura, A Furusawa, M Yanagida Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 60, 49-67, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Late Quaternary uplift rate inferred from marine terraces, Shimokita Peninsula, northeastern Japan: A preliminary investigation of the buried shoreline angle T Matsu'ura, H Kimura, J Komatsubara, N Goto, M Yanagida, K Ichikawa, ... Geomorphology 209, 1-17, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Using tephrostratigraphy and cryptotephrostratigraphy to re-evaluate and improve the Middle Pleistocene age model for marine sequences in northeast Japan (Chikyu C9001C) T Matsu'ura, JI Kimura, Q Chang, J Komatsubara Quaternary Geochronology 40, 129-145, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy and cryptotephrostratigraphy of core MD012422: improving marine tephrostratigraphy of the NW Pacific T Matsu’ura, M Ikehara, T Ueno Quaternary Science Reviews 257, 106808, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Accurate determination of the Pleistocene uplift rate of the NE Japan forearc from the buried MIS 5e marine terrace shoreline angle T Matsu'ura, J Komatsubara, C Wu Quaternary Science Reviews 212, 45-68, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Characterization and correlation of cryptotephras using major-element analyses of melt inclusions preserved in quartz in last interglacial marine sediments, southeastern … T Matsu’ura, T Ueno, A Furusawa Quaternary International 246 (1-2), 48-56, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Late Quaternary and coseismic crustal deformation across the focal area of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake T Matsu'ura, Y Kase Tectonophysics 487 (1-4), 13-21, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Dokusawa tephra erupted at approximately 100 ka and its eruptive process in the central part of northeast Japan T MATSUURA, E NITTA, S KANISAWA, K NAKASHIMA Kazan 47 (6), 711-725, 2002 | 13 | 2002 |
Using Late and Middle Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and cryptotephrostratigraphy to refine age models of Holes ODP1150A and ODP1151C, NW Pacific Ocean: A cross-check between … T Matsu'ura, J Komatsubara, N Ahagon Quaternary Geochronology 47, 29-53, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
新期大山テフラ DNP, DSP, DKP の岩石記載的特徴の再検討 古澤明, 梅田浩司 第四紀研究 41 (2), 123-129, 2002 | 11 | 2002 |
Correlation of Dokusawa and Kitahara tephras in the central part of northeast Japan: EPMA analyses of heavy minerals T MATSU'URA, E NITTA, S KANISAWA, K NAKASHIMA The science reports of the Tohoku University. 7th series, Geography 52 (1/2 …, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Use of amphibole chemistry for detecting tephras in deep-sea sequences (Chikyu C9001C cores) and developing a middle Pleistocene tephrochronology for NE Japan T Matsu'ura, J Komatsubara Quaternary International 456, 163-179, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Detection of tephra and cryptotephras using glass shard chemistry within deep-sea sequences (Chikyu C9001C cores), NW Pacific Ocean: a case study for developing Late … T Matsu'ura, J Komatsubara Res. Development 26, 1-20, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |