Natalie Jacqueline Burls
Natalie Jacqueline Burls
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Past climates inform our future
JE Tierney, CJ Poulsen, IP Montañez, T Bhattacharya, R Feng, HL Ford, ...
science 370 (6517), eaay3701, 2020
The Miocene: The future of the past
M Steinthorsdottir, HK Coxall, AM De Boer, M Huber, N Barbolini, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36 (4), e2020PA004037, 2021
Tightly linked zonal and meridional sea surface temperature gradients over the past five million years
AV Fedorov, NJ Burls, KT Lawrence, LC Peterson
Nature Geoscience 8 (12), 975-980, 2015
Global mean surface temperature and climate sensitivity of the EECO, PETM and latest Paleocene
GN Inglis, F Bragg, N Burls, D Evans, GL Foster, M Huber, DJ Lunt, N Siler, ...
Climate of the past Discussions 2020, 1-43, 2020
Wetter subtropics in a warmer world: Contrasting past and future hydrological cycles
NJ Burls, AV Fedorov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (49), 12888-12893, 2017
The Cape Town “Day Zero” drought and Hadley cell expansion
NJ Burls, RC Blamey, BA Cash, ET Swenson, AA Fahad, MJM Bopape, ...
Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2 (1), 27, 2019
Active Pacific meridional overturning circulation (PMOC) during the warm Pliocene
NJ Burls, AV Fedorov, DM Sigman, SL Jaccard, R Tiedemann, GH Haug
Science Advances 3 (9), e1700156, 2017
Simulating miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic multi‐model ensemble (MioMIP1)
NJ Burls, CD Bradshaw, AM De Boer, N Herold, M Huber, M Pound, ...
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36 (5), e2020PA004054, 2021
Time scales and mechanisms for the tropical Pacific response to global warming: A tug of war between the ocean thermostat and weaker Walker
UK Heede, AV Fedorov, NJ Burls
Journal of Climate 33 (14), 6101-6118, 2020
What controls the mean east–west sea surface temperature gradient in the equatorial Pacific: The role of cloud albedo
NJ Burls, AV Fedorov
Journal of Climate 27 (7), 2757-2778, 2014
Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models with links to cloud albedo
NJ Burls, L Muir, EM Vincent, A Fedorov
Climate Dynamics 49, 2093-2113, 2017
Variability in the South Atlantic anticyclone and the Atlantic Niño mode
JF Lübbecke, NJ Burls, CJC Reason, MJ McPhaden
Journal of Climate 27 (21), 8135-8150, 2014
Simulating Pliocene warmth and a permanent El Niño‐like state: The role of cloud albedo
NJ Burls, AV Fedorov
Paleoceanography 29 (10), 893-910, 2014
How will southern hemisphere subtropical anticyclones respond to global warming? Mechanisms and seasonality in CMIP5 and CMIP6 model projections
A Fahad, NJ Burls, Z Strasberg
Climate dynamics 55, 703-718, 2020
Energetics of the tropical Atlantic zonal mode
NJ Burls, CJC Reason, P Penven, SG Philander
Journal of climate 25 (21), 7442-7466, 2012
Evaluating the large-scale hydrological cycle response within the PlioMIP2 ensemble
Z Han, Q Zhang, Q Li, R Feng, AM Haywood, JC Tindall, SJ Hunter, ...
Climate of the Past Discussions 2021, 1-32, 2021
Similarities between the tropical Atlantic seasonal cycle and ENSO: An energetics perspective
NJ Burls, CJC Reason, P Penven, SG Philander
J. Geophys. Res 116 (C11010), C11010, 2011
The strength of low-cloud feedbacks and tropical climate: A CESM sensitivity study
E Erfani, NJ Burls
Journal of Climate 32 (9), 2497-2516, 2019
A stronger versus weaker Walker: understanding model differences in fast and slow tropical Pacific responses to global warming
UK Heede, AV Fedorov, NJ Burls
Climate Dynamics 57 (9), 2505-2522, 2021
Sea surface temperature fronts in the midlatitude South Atlantic revealed by using microwave satellite data
NJ Burls, CJC Reason
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C8), 2006
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