Yan Wang
Yan Wang
Biological Sciences | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi
CL Schoch, KA Seifert, S Huhndorf, V Robert, JL Spouge, CA Levesque, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of Sciences 109 (16), 6241-6246, 2012
A genome-scale phylogeny of the kingdom Fungi
Y Li, JL Steenwyk, Y Chang, Y Wang, TY James, JE Stajich, JW Spatafora, ...
Current Biology 31 (8), 1653-1665. e5, 2021
Advances and applications in the quest for orthologs
N Glover, C Dessimoz, I Ebersberger, SK Forslund, T Gabaldón, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (10), 2157-2164, 2019
Horizontal gene transfer as an indispensable driver for evolution of Neocallimastigomycota into a distinct gut-dwelling fungal lineage
CL Murphy, NH Youssef, RA Hanafy, MB Couger, JE Stajich, Y Wang, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 85 (15), 2019
The genome of Geosiphon pyriformis reveals ancestral traits linked to the emergence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
MC Malar, M Krüger, C Krüger, Y Wang, JE Stajich, J Keller, CH Chen, ...
Current Biology 31 (7), 1570-1577. e4., 2021
Genome-scale phylogenetic analyses confirm Olpidium as the closest living zoosporic fungus to the non-flagellated, terrestrial fungi
Y Chang, D Rochon, S Sekimoto, Y Wang, M Chovatia, L Sandor, ...
Scientific Reports 11, 3217, 2021
Molecular dating of the emergence of anaerobic rumen fungi and the impact of laterally acquired genes
Y Wang, NH Youssef, MB Couger, RA Hanafy, MS Elshahed, JE Stajich
Msystems 4 (4), 2019
An eight-gene molecular phylogeny of the Kickxellomycotina, including the first phylogenetic placement of Asellariales
ED Tretter, EM Johnson, GL Benny, RW Lichtwardt, Y Wang, P Kandel, ...
Mycologia 106 (5), 912-935, 2014
Examining new phylogenetic markers to uncover the evolutionary history of early-diverging fungi: comparing MCM7, TSR1 and rRNA genes for single-and multi-gene analyses of the …
ED Tretter, EM Johnson, Y Wang, P Kandel, MM White
Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 30 (1), 106-125, 2013
Ten years of collaborative progress in the quest for orthologs
B Linard, I Ebersberger, SE McGlynn, N Glover, T Mochizuki, M Patricio, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (8), 3033–3045, 2021
Phylogenomic analyses of non-Dikarya fungi supports horizontal gene transfer driving diversification of secondary metabolism in the amphibian gastrointestinal symbiont …
JF Tabima, I Trautman, Y Chang, Y Wang, S Mondo, A Salamov, ...
Early branching arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Paraglomus occultum carries a small and repeat-poor genome compared to relatives in the Glomeromycotina
MC Malar, Y Wang, JE Stajich, V Kokkoris, M Villeneuve-Laroche, ...
Microbial Genomics 8 (4), 000810, 2022
Genome-wide survey of gut fungi (Harpellales) reveals the first horizontally transferred ubiquitin gene from a mosquito host
Y Wang, MM White, S Kvist, JM Moncalvo
Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (10), 2544-2554, 2016
Overview of 75 years of Smittium research, establishing a new genus for Smittium culisetae, and prospects for future revisions of the ‘Smittium’ clade
Y Wang, ED Tretter, RW Lichtwardt, MM White
Mycologia 105 (1), 90-111, 2013
Evolution of zygomycete secretomes and the origins of terrestrial fungal ecologies
Y Chang, Y Wang, S Mondo, S Ahrendt, W Andreopoulos, K Barry, ...
Iscience 25 (8), 2022
The monophyletic Sarcogyne canadensis–wheeleri clade, a newly recognized group sister to the European Acarospora glaucocarpa group
K Knudsen, JN Adams, J Kocourková, Y Wang, J Ortańez, JE Stajich
The Bryologist 123 (1), 11-30, 2020
Comparative genomics reveals the core gene toolbox for the fungus-insect symbiosis
Y Wang, M Stata, W Wang, JE Stajich, MM White, JM Moncalvo
MBio 9 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00636-18, 2018
Using a five-gene phylogeny to test morphology-based hypotheses of Smittium and allies, endosymbiotic gut fungi (Harpellales) associated with arthropods
Y Wang, ED Tretter, EM Johnson, P Kandel, RW Lichtwardt, SJ Novak, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79, 23-41, 2014
Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome
CH Meili, AL Jones, AX Arreola, J Habel, CJ Pratt, RA Hanafy, Y Wang, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3798, 2023
Diversification of the gut fungi Smittium and allies (Harpellales) co-occurred with the origin of complete metamorphosis of their symbiotic insect hosts (lower Diptera)
Y Wang, MM White, JM Moncalvo
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139, 106550, 2019
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Articles 1–20