Steven R. Brechin
Cited by
Cited by
Reinventing a square wheel: Critique of a resurgent" protection paradigm" in international biodiversity conservation
PR Wilshusen, SR Brechin, CL Fortwangler, PC West
Society & natural resources 15 (1), 17-40, 2002
Beyond the square wheel: toward a more comprehensive understanding of biodiversity conservation as social and political process
SR Brechin, PR Wilshusen, CL Fortwangler, PC West
Society & natural resources 15 (1), 41-64, 2002
Resident peoples and national parks: social dilemmas and strategies in international conservation.
PC West, SR Brechin
Global environmentalism: a challenge to the postmaterialism thesis?
SR Brechin, W Kempton
Social science quarterly 75 (2), 245-269, 1994
Bridging the Gap: International Organizations as Organizations
GD Ness, SR Brechin
International Organization 42 (2), 245-73, 1988
Contested nature: promoting international biodiversity with social justice in the twenty-first century
SR Brechin, CL Fortwangler, PR Wilshusen, PC West
Suny Press, 2003
Comparative public opinion and knowledge on global climatic change and the Kyoto Protocol: the US versus the world?
SR Brechin1
International journal of sociology and social policy 23 (10), 106-134, 2003
Ideology, capitalism, and climate: Explaining public views about climate change in the United States
AM McCright, ST Marquart-Pyatt, RL Shwom, SR Brechin, S Allen
Energy Research & Social Science 21, 180-189, 2016
Objective problems, subjective values, and global environmentalism: Evaluating the postmaterialist argument and challenging a new explanation
SR Brechin
Social Science Quarterly, 793-809, 1999
Perceptions of climate change worldwide
SR Brechin, M Bhandari
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2 (6), 871-885, 2011
Beyond postmaterialist values: National versus individual explanations of global environmentalism
SR Brechin, W Kempton
Social Science Quarterly 78 (1), 16-20, 1997
Resident peoples and protected areas: a framework for inquiry
SR Brechin, PC West, D Harmon, K Kutay
Resident peoples and national parks: Social dilemmas and strategies in …, 1991
Public opinion on climate change
RL Shwom, AM McCright, SR Brechin, RE Dunlap, ST Marquart-Pyatt, ...
Climate change and society: Sociological perspectives 269, 299, 2015
Public opinion: a cross-national view
SR Brechin
Routledge handbook of climate change and society, 179-209, 2010
Contested nature conservation and development at the turn of the twenty-first century
SR Brechin, PR Wilshusen, CL Fortwangler, PC West
Contested nature: Promoting international biodiversity conservation with …, 2003
Looking back at the gap: international organizations as organizations twenty-five years later
SR Brechin, GD Ness
Journal of International Organizations Studies 4 (special issue), 2013
Planting trees in the developing world: a sociology of international organizations.
SR Brechin
National parks, protected areas, and resident peoples: A comparative assessment and integration
PC West, SR Brechin
Resident Peoples and National Parks. Social Dilemmas and Strategies in …, 1991
Ostriches and Change: A Response toGlobal Warming and Sociology'
SR Brechin
Current Sociology 56 (3), 467-474, 2008
Climate change mitigation and the collective action problem: Exploring country differences in greenhouse gas contributions
SR Brechin
Sociological Forum 31, 846-861, 2016
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Articles 1–20