David Russo
David Russo
Soil Pysicist, Agriculture Research Organization, Israel
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Cited by
Determining soil hydraulic properties by parameter estimation: On the selection of a model for the hydraulic properties
D Russo
Water resources research 24 (3), 453-459, 1988
Soil hydraulic properties as stochastic processes: I. An analysis of field spatial variability
D Russo, E Bresler
Soil Science Society of America Journal 45 (4), 682-687, 1981
Evaluation of volatilization by organic chemicals residing below the soil surface
WA Jury, D Russo, G Streile, H El Abd
Water Resources Research 26 (1), 13-20, 1990
Statistical analysis of spatial variability in unsaturated flow parameters
D Russo, M Bouton
Water Resources Research 28 (7), 1911-1925, 1992
Balancing water scarcity and quality for sustainable irrigated agriculture
S Assouline, D Russo, A Silber, D Or
Water Resources Research 51 (5), 3419-3436, 2015
Catchment travel time distributions and water flow in soils
A Rinaldo, KJ Beven, E Bertuzzo, L Nicotina, J Davies, A Fiori, D Russo, ...
Water resources research 47 (7), 2011
Analyses of infiltration events in relation to determining soil hydraulic properties by inverse problem methodology
D Russo, E Bresler, U Shani, JC Parker
Water Resources Research 27 (6), 1361-1373, 1991
Water Uptake by Seeds as Affected by Water Stress, Capillary Conductivity, and Seed‐Soil Water Contact. I. Experimental Study1
A Hadas, D Russo
Agronomy Journal 66 (5), 643-647, 1974
Stochastic analysis of simulated vadose zone solute transport in a vertical cross section of heterogeneous soil during nonsteady water flow
D Russo
Water Resources Research 27 (3), 267-283, 1991
Design of an optimal sampling network for estimating the variogram
D Russo
Soil Science Society of America Journal 48 (4), 708-716, 1984
Stochastic modeling of macrodispersion for solute transport in a heterogeneous unsaturated porous formation
D Russo
Water Resources Research 29 (2), 383-397, 1993
On the spatial variability of parameters of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
D Russo, I Russo, A Laufer
Water Resources Research 33 (5), 947-956, 1997
A theoretical study of the estimation of the correlation scale in spatially variable fields: 1. Stationary fields
D Russo, WA Jury
Water Resources Research 23 (7), 1257-1268, 1987
Scaling soil hydraulic properties of a heterogeneous field
D Russo, E Bresler
Soil Science Society of America Journal 44 (4), 681-684, 1980
Association of XK and Kell blood group proteins
D Russo, C Redman, S Lee
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (22), 13950-13956, 1998
Estimation of finite difference interblock conductivities for simulation of infiltration into initially dry soils
J Zaidel, D Russo
Water Resources Research 28 (9), 2285-2295, 1992
Optimal spatial sampling design for the estimation of the variogram based on a least squares approach
P Bogaert, D Russo
Water Resources Research 35 (4), 1275-1289, 1999
Numerical analysis of solute transport during transient irrigation: 1. The effect of hysteresis and profile heterogeneity
D Russo, WA Jury, GL Butters
Water Resources Research 25 (10), 2109-2118, 1989
The spatial variability of water and solute transport properties in unsaturated soil. I. Analysis of property variation and spatial structure wirh statistical models. II …
WA Jury, D Russo, G Sposito, H Elabd
Effect of field variability in soil hydraulic properties on solutions of unsaturated water and salt flows
D Russo, E Bresler
Soil Science Society of America Journal 45 (4), 675-681, 1981
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Articles 1–20