Grandi María Florencia
Grandi María Florencia
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Cited by
Social composition and spatial distribution of colonies in an expanding population of South American sea lions
MF Grandi, SL Dans, EA Crespo
Journal of Mammalogy 89 (5), 1218-1228, 2008
Abundance and distribution of endangered Franciscana dolphins in Argentine waters and conservation implications
EA Crespo, SN Pedraza, MF Grandi, SL Dans, GV Garaffo
Marine Mammal Science 26 (1), 17-35, 2010
Growth and age at sexual maturity of South American sea lions
MF Grandi, SL Dans, NA García, EA Crespo
Mammalian Biology 75 (5), 427-436, 2010
The recovery process of a population is not always the same: The case of Otaria flavescens
MF Grandi, SL Dans, EA Crespo
Marine Biology Research 11 (3), 225-235, 2015
Analysing the natural population growth of a large marine mammal after a depletive harvest
MA Romero, MF Grandi, M Koen-Alonso, G Svendsen, MO Reinaldo, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-16, 2017
Esquema preliminar de fusión epifisaria en huesos de lobos marinos (Arctocephalus australis y Otaria flavescens), su contribución en los análisis zooarqueológicos.
GRNPCEA Borella F., Grandi F., Vales D.G.
Tendencia teórico-metodológicas y casos de estudios en la arqueología de …, 2013
Reduction of skull size in South American sea lions reveals density-dependent growth during population recovery
M Drago, L Cardona, EA Crespo, MF Grandi, A Aguilar
Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 253-261, 2010
Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) from the end of the world: insights of a recovery
VN Milano, MF Grandi, ACM Schiavini, EA Crespo
Abundance and Population Trends of the South American Fur Seal
V Franco-Trecu, M Drago, MF Grandi, A Soutullo, EA Crespo, P Inchausti
Aquatic Mammals 45 (1), 48-55, 2019
Dinámica poblacional y cambios estructurales en una población en crecimiento de lobo marino común, Otaria flavescens, del litoral norpatagónico
MF Grandi
Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina, 2010
The northernmost haulout site of South American sea lions and fur seals in the western South Atlantic
N Procksch, MF Grandi, PH Ott, K Groch, PAC Flores, M Zagonel, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-15, 2020
Recovery of South American fur seals from Fuegian Archipelago (Argentina)
VN Milano, MF Grandi, ACM Schiavini, EA Crespo
Mar Mam Sci. https://doi. org/10.1111/mms 1268 (6), 2020
Reproductive Parameters of Female Long-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) from the Southwestern Atlantic
FA Soto, MF Grandi, NA Garcia, EA Crespo, SL Dans
Academia Sinica, 2017
Reproductive parameters of female long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii) from the Southwestern Atlantic
SF Anabella, GM Florencia, GN Aníbal, CE Alberto, DS Laura
Zoological Studies 56, 2017
A stranding of Balaenoptera borealis (Lesson 1828) from Patagonia, Argentina, with notes on parasite infestation and diet
MS Leonardi, MF Grandi, NA García, G Svendsen, MA Romero, ...
African Journal of Marine Science 33 (1), 177-179, 2011
Rasgos diagnósticos en elementos postcraneales de dos especies de otáridos para su identificación en el registro zooarqueológico
F Borella, DG Vales, F Grandi, NA García
Magallania (Punta Arenas) 46 (2), 187-203, 2018
Is recolonization pattern related to female philopatry? An insight into a colonially breeding mammal
MF Grandi, RL de Castro, E Terán, MR Santos, G Bailliet, EA Crespo
Mammalian Biology 89, 21-29, 2018
Killer whales attack on South American sea lion associated with a fishing vessel: predator and prey tactics
MF Grandi, RL de Castro, EA Crespo
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 40 (4), 1072-1076, 2012
A hunted population in recovery: effective population size for South American sea lions from Patagonia
MF Grandi, LR de Oliveira, SL Dans, EA Crespo
Animal Biology 62 (4), 433-450, 2012
Osteometric Analysis of South American Sea Lions (Otaria flavescens) Pups From Patagonia. An Assessment of Their Use as Indicators for Seasonality in …
F Borella, GL L'heureux, MF Grandi
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26 (1), 28-41, 2016
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Articles 1–20