Ricardo Morán-López
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Cited by
The water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes an invasive plant in the Guadiana River basin (Spain). Aquat Invasions 3: 42–53
TR Téllez, REM De Lopez, GL Granado, EA Pérez, RM López, ...
Identifying new buffer areas for conserving waterbirds in the Mediterranean basin: the importance of the rice fields in Extremadura, Spain
JM Sánchez-Guzmán, R Morán, JA Masero, C Corbacho, E Costillo, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 16 (12), 3333-3344, 2007
Nest‐site selection of endangered cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) populations affected by anthropogenic disturbance: present and future conservation …
R Morán‐López, JM Sánchez Guzmán, EC Borrego, AV Sánchez
Animal Conservation 9 (1), 29-37, 2006
Long lengths of stay, large numbers, and trends of the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa in rice fields during spring migration
JA Masero, F Santiago-Quesada, JM Sanchez-Guzman, A Villegas, ...
Bird Conservation International 21 (1), 12-24, 2011
Spatial variation in anthropic and natural factors regulating the breeding success of the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the SW Iberian Peninsula
R Morán-López, JM Sánchez, E Costillo, C Corbacho, A Villegas
Biological Conservation 130 (2), 169-182, 2006
Response of the haematocrit to body condition changes in Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita
JM Sánchez-Guzmán, A Villegas, C Corbacho, R Morán, A Marzal, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2004
International importance of Extremadura, Spain, for overwintering migratory dabbling ducks: a role for reservoirs
JG Navedo, JA Masero, JM Sanchez-Guzman, JM Abad-Gomez, ...
Bird Conservation International 22 (3), 316-327, 2012
First record of Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 (Cnidaria: Limnomedusae: Olindiidae) in the Proserpina Reservoir (Extremadura, SW Spain) with notes on their feeding habits
JL Pérez-Bote, A Muñoz, R Morán, R Roso, AJ Romero
Belgian journal of zoology 136 (2), 163, 2006
Associations between fish assemblages and environmental factors for Mediterranean‐type rivers during summer
R Morán‐López, E Da Silva, JL Pérez‐Bote, C Corbacho Amado
Journal of fish biology 69 (5), 1552-1569, 2006
Elaboración del atlas climático de Extremadura mediante un sistema de información geográfica
ÁMF Pérez, RM López, JMS Guzmán, DP Mayo
Geofocus: Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información …, 2001
The diet of the black vulture Aegypius monachus in response to environmental changes in Extremadura (1970–2000)
E Costillo, C Corbacho, R Morán, A Villegas
Ardeola 54 (2), 197-204, 2007
Summer habitat relationships of barbels in south‐west Spain
R Morán‐López, JL Pérez‐Bote, E Da Silva Rubio, C Corbacho Amado
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (1), 66-82, 2005
Relative leaping abilities of native versus invasive cyprinids as criteria for selective barrier design
R Morán-López, OU Tolosa
Biological invasions 19 (4), 1243-1253, 2017
Diet plasticity of Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus in different colonies in the Extremadura (SW Spain)
E Costillo, C Corbacho, R Morán, A Villegas
Ardea 95 (2), 201-211, 2007
Manual de gestión del hábitat y de las poblaciones de buitre negro en España
R Moreno-Opo, F Guil, S Agudín, Á Arredondo, JM Blanco, JA Bravo, ...
Organismo autónomo parques nacionales, 2007
The umbrella effect of Natura 2000 annex species spreads over multiple taxonomic groups, conservation attributes and organizational levels
R Morán‐López, EC Gañán, OU Tolosa, JMS Guzmán
Animal Conservation, 2019
Hierarchical large-scale to local-scale influence of abiotic factors in summer-fragmented Mediterranean rivers: structuring effects on fish distributions, assemblage …
R Morán-López, JL Pérez-Bote, E Da Silva, ABP Casildo
Hydrobiologia 696 (1), 137-158, 2012
Image techniques in turbid rivers: A ten-year assessment of cyprinid stocks composition and size
R Morán-López, OU Tolosa
Fisheries Research 195, 186-193, 2017
Extended negative impact of secondary infrastructure on the high conservation values of sparsely developed areas
R Morán-López, JMS Guzmán, ABP Casildo, ÓU Tolosa
Oryx 51 (4), 684-693, 2017
La alimentación del Aguilucho Cenizo Circus pygargus en relación a los usos del suelo en áreas pseudoestepáricas de Extremadura (SO Península Ibérica)
C Corbacho, R Morán, MA Villegas
Ardeola 52 (1), 3-19, 2005
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Articles 1–20