A quantitative assessment of the efficacy of an environmental enrichment programme for giant pandas RR Swaisgood, AM White, X Zhou, H Zhang, G Zhang, R Wei, VJ Hare, ... Animal Behaviour 61 (2), 447-457, 2001 | 192 | 2001 |
Reproductive cycle length and pregnancy in the southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) as determined by fecal pregnane analysis and … ML Patton, RR Swaisgood, NM Czekala, AM White, GA Fetter, ... Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 1999 | 147 | 1999 |
Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat MP North, JT Kane, VR Kane, GP Asner, W Berigan, DJ Churchill, ... Forest Ecology and Management 405, 166-178, 2017 | 120 | 2017 |
Solving the productivity and impact puzzle: Do men outperform women, or are metrics biased? EZ Cameron, AM White, ME Gray BioScience 66 (3), 245-252, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Chemical communication in giant pandas RR Swaisgood, DG Lindburg, AM White, Z Hemin, Z Xiaoping Giant pandas: biology and conservation 106, 2004 | 96 | 2004 |
A captive population in crisis: testing hypotheses for reproductive failure in captive-born southern white rhinoceros females RR Swaisgood, DM Dickman, AM White Biological Conservation 129 (4), 468-476, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
The highs and lows of chemical communication in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): effect of scent deposition height on signal discrimination AM White, RR Swaisgood, H Zhang Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51, 519-529, 2002 | 82 | 2002 |
Avian community responses to post‐fire forest structure: implications for fire management in mixed conifer forests AM White, PN Manley, GL Tarbill, TW Richardson, RE Russell, HD Safford, ... Animal Conservation 19 (3), 256-264, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
Chemical communication in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): the role of age in the signaller and assessor AM White, RR Swaisgood, H Zhang Journal of Zoology 259 (2), 171-178, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
Investigating the effects of forest structure on the small mammal community in frequent-fire coniferous forests using capture-recapture models for stratified populations R Sollmann, AM White, B Gardner, PN Manley Mammalian Biology 80, 247-254, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
Conservation of avian diversity in the Sierra Nevada: moving beyond a single-species management focus AM White, EF Zipkin, PN Manley, MD Schlesinger PloS one 8 (5), e63088, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Is publication rate an equal opportunity metric? EZ Cameron, ME Gray, AM White Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (1), 7-8, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Ranging patterns in white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum simum: implications for mating strategies AM White, RR Swaisgood, N Czekala Animal Behaviour 74 (2), 349-356, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Evaluating potential trade‐offs among fuel treatment strategies in mixed‐conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada JT Stevens, BM Collins, JW Long, MP North, SJ Prichard, LW Tarnay, ... Ecosphere 7 (9), e01445, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
Drill, baby, drill: The influence of woodpeckers on post‐fire vertebrate communities through cavity excavation GL Tarbill, PN Manley, AM White Journal of Zoology 296 (2), 95-103, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
A method for encouraging maternal care in the giant panda GQ Zhang, RR Swaisgood, RP Wei, HM Zhang, HY Han, DS Li, LF Wu, ... Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
Communal nesting is unrelated to burrow availability in the common warthog AM White, EZ Cameron Animal Behaviour 77 (1), 87-94, 2009 | 36 | 2009 |
Patterns of woodboring beetle activity following fires and bark beetle outbreaks in montane forests of California, USA C Ray, DR Cluck, RL Wilkerson, RB Siegel, AM White, GL Tarbill, ... Fire Ecology 15, 1-20, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Understanding ecological contexts for active reforestation following wildfires AM White, JW Long New Forests 50, 41-56, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Aggression control in a bachelor herd of fringe‐eared oryx (Oryx gazella callotis), with melengestrol acetate: Behavioral and endocrine observations ML Patton, AM White, RR Swaisgood, RL Sproul, GA Fetter, J Kennedy, ... Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 2001 | 32 | 2001 |