Don G. MacKay
Don G. MacKay
Professor of Psychology, UCLA
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On the tip of the tongue: What causes word finding failures in young and older adults?
DM Burke, DG MacKay, JS Worthley, E Wade
Journal of memory and language 30 (5), 542-579, 1991
The organization of perception and action: A theory for language and other cognitive skills
DG MacKay
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
The problems of flexibility, fluency, and speed–accuracy trade-off in skilled behavior.
DG MacKay
Psychological review 89 (5), 483, 1982
Output editing for lexical status in artificially elicited slips of the tongue
BJ Baars, MT Motley, DG MacKay
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 14 (4), 382-391, 1975
Spoonerisms: The structure of errors in the serial order of speech
DG MacKay
Neuropsychologia 8 (3), 323-350, 1970
Relations between emotion, memory, and attention: Evidence from taboo Stroop, lexical decision, and immediate memory tasks
DG MacKay, M Shafto, JK Taylor, DE Marian, L Abrams, JR Dyer
Memory & cognition 32, 474-488, 2004
Aspects of the theory of comprehension, memory and attention
DG Mackay
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (1), 22-40, 1973
Chapter five cognition and aging: a theory of new learning and the use of old connections
DG MacKay, DM Burke
Advances in psychology 71, 213-263, 1990
Memory, language, and ageing
DM Burke, DG MacKay
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1997
The structure of words and syllables: Evidence from errors in speech
DG MacKay
Cognitive Psychology 3 (2), 210-227, 1972
The problem of rehearsal or mental practice
DG Mackay
Journal of motor behavior 13 (4), 274-285, 1981
Theoretical approaches to language and aging.
DM Burke, DG MacKay, LE James
Oxford University Press, 2000
Emotion, memory, and attention in the taboo Stroop paradigm: An experimental analogue of flashbulb memories
DG MacKay, MV Ahmetzanov
Psychological science 16 (1), 25-32, 2005
To end ambiguous sentences
DG MacKay
Perception & Psychophysics 1 (12), 426-436, 1966
Relationships between perception and action: Current approaches
P Bieri, B Bridgeman, H Cruse, J Dean, CA Hauert, H Heuer, DG MacKay, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
On the comprehension and production of pronouns
DG MacKay, DC Fulkerson
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 18 (6), 661-673, 1979
Does emotion help or hinder immediate memory? Arousal versus priority-binding mechanisms.
CB Hadley, DG MacKay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32 (1), 79, 2006
Constraints on theories of inner speech
DG MacKay
Auditory imagery, 121-149, 2014
In search of ambiguity
DG Mackay, TG Bever
Perception & Psychophysics 2, 193-200, 1967
Metamorphosis of a critical interval: Age‐linked changes in the delay in auditory feedback that produces maximal disruption of speech
DG MacKay
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 43 (4), 811-821, 1968
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Articles 1–20