Maria Cortazar-Chinarro
Maria Cortazar-Chinarro
Researcher at Uppsala University
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Drift, selection, or migration? Processes affecting genetic differentiation and variation along a latitudinal gradient in an amphibian
M Cortázar-Chinarro, EZ Lattenkamp, Y Meyer-Lucht, E Luquet, A Laurila, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 17, 1-14, 2017
Gene flow limits adaptation along steep environmental gradients
JCBAJ van RensburgMaria Cortazar-Chinarro[...]Josh Van Buskirk
American Naturalist, 2019
Antagonistic natural and sexual selection on wing shape in a scrambling damselfly
D Outomuro, L Söderquist, V Nilsson-Örtman, M Cortázar-Chinarro, ...
Evolution 70 (7), 1582-1595, 2016
Signatures of historical selection on MHC reveal different selection patterns in the moor frog (Rana arvalis)
M Cortazar-Chinarro, Y Meyer-Lucht, A Laurila, J Höglund
Immunogenetics 70, 477-484, 2018
Genetic variation and structure in Scandinavian red deer (Cervus elaphus): influence of ancestry, past hunting, and restoration management
J Höglund, M Cortazar-Chinarro, A Jarnemo, CG Thulin
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109 (1), 43-53, 2013
Selection on learning performance results in the correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism in life history
MK Zwoinska, MI Lind, M Cortazar-Chinarro, M Ramsden, AA Maklakov
Evolution 70 (2), 342-357, 2016
The effects of drift and selection on latitudinal genetic variation in Scandinavian common toads (Bufo bufo) following postglacial recolonisation
F Thörn, P Rödin-Mörch, M Cortazar-Chinarro, A Richter-Boix, A Laurila, ...
Heredity 126 (4), 656-667, 2021
Stepwise colonization of the Andes by Ruddy Ducks and the evolution of novel β‐globin variants
V Muńoz‐Fuentes, M Cortázar‐Chinarro, M Lozano‐Jaramillo, ...
Molecular ecology, 2013
Post‐glacial colonization routes coincide with a life‐history breakpoint along a latitudinal gradient
E Luquet, P Rödin Mörch, M Cortázar‐Chinarro, Y Meyer‐Lucht, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 32 (4), 356-368, 2019
Evolutionary dynamics of an expressed MHC class IIβ locus in the Ranidae (Anura) uncovered by genome walking and high-throughput amplicon sequencing
KP Mulder, M Cortazar-Chinarro, DJ Harris, A Crottini, EHC Grant, ...
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 76, 177-188, 2017
Rapamycin additively extends lifespan in short-and long-lived lines of the nematode Caenorhabditis remanei
MI Lind, H Chen, M Cortazar-Chinarro, AA Maklakov
Experimental gerontology 90, 79-82, 2017
Antimicrobial peptide and sequence variation along a latitudinal gradient in two anurans
M Cortázar-Chinarro, Y Meyer-Lucht, T Van der Valk, A Richter-Boix, ...
BMC genetics 21, 1-16, 2020
Sign surveys for red fox (Vulpes vulpes) censuses: evaluating different sources of variation in scat detectability
M Cortázar-Chinarro, P Halvarsson, E Virgós
Mammal Research 64, 183-190, 2019
Major Histocompatibility Complex Variation and Haplotype Associated Survival in Response to Experimental Infection of Two Bd-GPL Strains Along a Latitudinal …
M Cortazar-Chinarro, S Meurling, L Schroyens, M Siljestam, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 915271, 2022
Low neutral and immunogenetic diversity in northern fringe populations of the green toad Bufotes viridis: implications for conservation
J Höglund, L Bolender, M Cortazar-Chinarro, S Meurling, A Laurila, ...
Conservation Genetics, 1-11, 2022
Body size mediates latitudinal population differences in response to Bd infection in two amphibian species
S Meurling, M Cortazar-Chinarro, M Siljestam, D Ĺhlen, E Ĺgren, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.07. 16.452656, 2021
Small-scale population divergence is driven by local larval environment in a temperate amphibian
P Rödin-Mörch, H Palejowski, M Cortazar-Chinarro, S Kärvemo, ...
Heredity 126 (2), 279-292, 2021
Functional convergence of genomic and transcriptomic architecture underlies schooling behaviour in a live-bearing fish
A Corral-Lopez, NI Bloch, W van der Bijl, M Cortazar-Chinarro, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (1), 98-110, 2024
Body size mediates latitudinal population differences in the response to chytrid fungus infection in two amphibians
S Meurling, M Siljestam, M Cortazar-Chinarro, D Ĺhlen, P Rödin-Mörch, ...
Oecologia 204 (1), 71-81, 2024
Adaptive genomic variation associated with environmental gradients along a latitudinal cline in Rana temporaria
AJ van Rensburg, M Cortazar-Chinarro, A Laurila, J Van Buskirk
BioRxiv, 427872, 2018
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Articles 1–20