Eleni Michailidou
Eleni Michailidou
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Visual complexity and aesthetic perception of web pages
E Michailidou, S Harper, S Bechhofer
Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on Design of …, 2008
Toward a definition of visual complexity as an implicit measure of cognitive load
S Harper, E Michailidou, R Stevens
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 6 (2), 1-18, 2009
Automated prediction of visual complexity of web pages: Tools and evaluations
E Michailidou, S Eraslan, Y Yesilada, S Harper
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 145, 102523, 2021
Analysing the visual complexity of web pages using document structure
S Harper, C Jay, E Michailidou, H Quan
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (5), 491-502, 2013
End user evaluations
C Jay, D Lunn, E Michailidou
Web accessibility: A foundation for research, 107-126, 2008
Culture effects in online social support for older people: perceptions and experience
E Michailidou, A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-13, 2014
Introducing new perspectives in the use of social technologies in learning: Social constructionism
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris, E Michailidou, S Papadima-Sophocleous, ...
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2013
Investigating sighted users' browsing behaviour to assist web accessibility
E Michailidou, S Harper, S Bechhofer
Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2008
Use of wearable sensors to assess compliance of asthmatic children in response to lockdown measures for the COVID-19 epidemic
P Kouis, A Michanikou, P Anagnostopoulou, E Galanakis, E Michaelidou, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 5895, 2021
Vicram: Visual complexity rankings and accessibility metrics
E Michailidou
ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, 24-27, 2006
Metrics of visual complexity
E Michailidou
Web Ergonomics Lab Series, 2005
Using eye tracking to understand the impact of cognitive abilities on search tasks
EA Nisiforou, E Michailidou, A Laghos
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and …, 2014
eInclusion@ cyprus universities: provision and web accessibility
E Michailidou, K Mavrou, P Zaphiris
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1637-1642, 2012
Visual complexity rankings and accessibility metrics
E Michailidou
The University of Manchester, 2009
Responses of schoolchildren with asthma to recommendations to reduce desert dust exposure: Results from the LIFE-MEDEA intervention project using wearable technology
P Kouis, A Michanikou, E Galanakis, E Michaelidou, H Dimitriou, J Perez, ...
Science of The Total Environment 860, 160518, 2023
Pediatric asthma symptom control during lockdown for the COVID‐19 pandemic in spring 2020: a prospective community‐based study in Cyprus and Greece
P Kouis, E Michaelidou, P Kinni, A Michanikou, P Anagnostopoulou, ...
Pediatric pulmonology 57 (2), 386-394, 2022
Observational notes acquired from henshaws' skillstep to success class: Observation period 1
D Lunn, E Michailidou
Human Centred Web Lab, 2007
Determining users' perception of web page visual complexity and aesthetic characteristics
E Michailidou
Improved childhood asthma control after exposure reduction interventions for desert dust and anthropogenic air pollution: the MEDEA randomised controlled trial
P Kouis, E Galanakis, E Michaelidou, P Kinni, A Michanikou, C Pitsios, ...
Thorax 79 (6), 495-507, 2024
A pilot eye-tracking study: Understanding how visually complex web pages influence visual attention
E Michailidou
University of Manchester, 2008
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