Torres-Carrion Pablo Vicente
Cited by
Cited by
Methodology for systematic literature review applied to engineering and education
PV Torres-Carrión, CS González-González, S Aciar, ...
2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1364-1373, 2018
Serious games for rehabilitation: Gestural interaction in personalized gamified exercises through a recommender system
CS González-González, PA Toledo-Delgado, V Muñoz-Cruz, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 97, 103266, 2019
Mobile learning: perspectives
JC Torres-Diaz, PV Torres-Carrión, A Infante Moro
RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal 12 (1), 38-49, 2015
Aprendizaje móvil: perspectivas
JC Torres-Diaz, A Infante Moro, PV Torres-Carrión
http://rusc. uoc. edu Vol. 12, N. º 1 (enero de 2015) ISSN 1698-580x 12 (1), 38, 2015
Artificial intelligence techniques to detect and prevent corruption in procurement: A systematic literature review
Y Torres Berru, VF López Batista, P Torres-Carrión, MG Jimenez
Applied Technologies: First International Conference, ICAT 2019, Quito …, 2020
Gesture-Based Children Computer Interaction for Inclusive Education: A Systematic Literature Review
P Torres-Carrión, C González-González, C Bernal-Bravo, A Infante-Moro
Communications in Computer and Information Science 895, 133-147, 2019
Improving cognitive visual-motor abilities in individuals with down syndrome
PV Torres-Carrión, CS González-González, PA Toledo-Delgado, ...
Sensors 19 (18), 3984, 2019
Facial Emotion Analysis in Down's syndrome children in classroom
P Torres-Carrión, C González-González, AM Carreño
Proceedings of the XVI international conference on human computer …, 2015
Educational math game for stimulation of children with dyscalculia
P Torres-Carrión, C Sarmiento-Guerrero, JC Torres-Diaz, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology …, 2018
Methodology of emotional evaluation in education and rehabilitation activities for people with Down syndrome
PV Torres-Carrión, C González-González, AM Carreño
Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 21, 2014
Psychometric properties and factor structure of the patient health questionnaire-9 as a screening tool for depression among Ecuadorian college students
VM López-Guerra, C López-Núñez, SL Vaca-Gallegos, PV Torres-Carrión
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 813894, 2022
Artificial intelligence in neuroeducation: the influence of emotions in the learning science
Y Jiménez, O Vivanco, D Castillo, P Torres, M Jiménez
International Conference on Innovation and Research, 67-77, 2020
Experiencia afectiva usuario en ambientes con inteligencia artificial, sensores biométricos y/o recursos digitales accesibles: una revisión sistemática de literatura
JM Fernández-Ordóñez, LEM Jiménez, P Torres-Carrión, ...
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 35-53, 2019
Plagiarism and use of technology by high school students
JCT Diaz, JM Duart, PVT Carrión, IM Gutierrez
Campus virtuales 10 (2), 175-184, 2021
Springer: Cham
M Botto-Tobar, J León-Acurio, A Díaz Cadena, P Montiel Díaz
Swizterland, 2020
Data mining to detect and prevent corruption in contracts: systematic mapping review
Y Torres-Berru, VFL Batista, P Torres-Carrión
RISTI-Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao 2020 (E29), 13-26, 2020
Methodology for systematic literature review applied to engineering and education. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2018-April, 1364–1373
PV Torres-Carrion, CS Gonzalez-Gonzalez, S Aciar, ...
Evaluación de estrategias de aprendizaje con HCI kinect en alumnos con Síndrome Down
PV Torres Carrión
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela …, 2017
A contribution to the method of automatic identification of human emotions by using semantic structures
SAA Tapia, AHF Gomez, JB Corbacho, S Ratte, J Torres-Diaz, ...
2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 60-70, 2014
Applied Technologies First International Conference, ICAT 2019, Quito, Ecuador, December 3–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part III
B Botto-Tobar, M., Zambrano Vizuete, M., Torres-Carrión, P., Montes León, S ... 1195, 488, 2020
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