R.Terry Bowyer
R.Terry Bowyer
Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Sexual segregation in mountain sheep: resources or predation?
VC Bleich, RT Bowyer, JD Wehausen
Wildlife Monographs, 3-50, 1997
Landscape heterogeneity at differing scales: effects on spatial distribution of mule deer
JG Kie, RT Bowyer, MC Nicholson, BB Boroski, ER Loft
Ecology 83 (2), 530-544, 2002
Habitat selection and survival of mule deer: tradeoffs associated with migration
MC Nicholson, RT Bowyer, JG Kie
Journal of mammalogy 78 (2), 483-504, 1997
Temporospatial distributions of elk, mule deer, and cattle: resource partitioning and competitive displacement
KM Stewart, RT Bowyer, JG Kie, NJ Cimon, BK Johnson
Journal of mammalogy 83 (1), 229-244, 2002
Life-history consequences of maternal condition in Alaskan moose
MA Keech, RT Bowyer, M Jay, V Hoef, RD Boertje, BW Dale, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 450-462, 2000
Sexual segregation in white-tailed deer: density-dependent changes in use of space, habitat selection, and dietary niche
JG Kie, RT Bowyer
Journal of Mammalogy 80 (3), 1004-1020, 1999
Sexual segregation in dimorphic deer: a new gastrocentric hypothesis
PS Barboza, RT Bowyer
Journal of mammalogy 81 (2), 473-489, 2000
Costs and benefits of group living in a recently social ungulate: the Alaskan moose
EM Molvar, RT Bowyer
Journal of mammalogy 75 (3), 621-630, 1994
Functional response of wolves preying on barren-ground caribou in a multiple-prey ecosystem
BW Dale, LG Adams, RT Bowyer
Journal of Animal Ecology, 644-652, 1994
Sexual segregation in southern mule deer
RT Bowyer
Journal of Mammalogy 65 (3), 410-417, 1984
Density-dependent effects on physical condition and reproduction in North American elk: an experimental test
KM Stewart, RT Bowyer, BL Dick, BK Johnson, JG Kie
Oecologia 143, 85-93, 2005
Life‐history characteristics of mule deer: effects of nutrition in a variable environment
KL Monteith, VC Bleich, TR Stephenson, BM Pierce, MM Conner, JG Kie, ...
Wildlife Monographs 186 (1), 1-62, 2014
Sexual segregation in ruminants: definitions, hypotheses, and implications for conservation and management
RT Bowyer
Journal of Mammalogy 85 (6), 1039-1052, 2004
Birth-site selection by Alaskan moose: maternal strategies for coping with a risky environment
RT Bowyer, V Van Ballenberghe, JG Kie, JAK Maier
Journal of Mammalogy 80 (4), 1070-1083, 1999
Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces): late Pleistocene divergence and population expansion
KJ Hundertmark, GF Shields, IG Udina, RT Bowyer, AA Danilkin, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 22 (3), 375-387, 2002
Habitat selection by mule deer: forage benefits or risk of predation?
BM Pierce, RT Bowyer, VC Bleich
The Journal of Wildlife Management 68 (3), 533-541, 2004
Moose herbivory, browse quality, and nutrient cycling in an Alaskan treeline community
EM Molvar, RT Bowyer, V Van Ballenberghe
Oecologia 94, 472-479, 1993
Habitat use by female caribou: tradeoffs associated with parturition
NL Barten, RT Bowyer, KJ Jenkins
The Journal of wildlife management, 77-92, 2001
Risk‐sensitive allocation in seasonal dynamics of fat and protein reserves in a long‐lived mammal
KL Monteith, TR Stephenson, VC Bleich, MM Conner, BM Pierce, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (2), 377-388, 2013
Social behavior and ecosystem processes: river otter latrines and nutrient dynamics of terrestrial vegetation
M Ben-David, RT Bowyer, LK Duffy, DD Roby, DM Schell
Ecology 79 (7), 2567-2571, 1998
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