Melia Nafus
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Cited by
Hiding in plain sight: a study on camouflage and habitat selection in a slow-moving desert herbivore
MG Nafus, JM Germano, JA Perry, BD Todd, A Walsh, RR Swaisgood
Behavioral Ecology 26 (5), 1389-1394, 2015
Predicting translocation outcomes with personality for desert tortoises
JM Germano, MG Nafus, JA Perry, DB Hall, RR Swaisgood
Behavioral Ecology 28 (4), 1075-1084, 2017
Relative abundance and demographic structure of Agassiz’s desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) along roads of varying size and traffic volume
MG Nafus, TD Tuberville, KA Buhlmann, BD Todd
Biological Conservation 162, 100-106, 2013
Habitat drives dispersal and survival of translocated juvenile desert tortoises
MG Nafus, TC Esque, RC Averill‐Murray, KE Nussear, RR Swaisgood
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (2), 430-438, 2017
Use of visual surveys and radiotelemetry reveals sources of detection bias for a cryptic snake at low densities
SM Boback, MG Nafus, AA Yackel Adams, RN Reed
Ecosphere 11 (1), e03000, 2020
Precipitation quantity and timing affect native plant production and growth of a key herbivore, the desert tortoise, in the Mojave Desert
MG Nafus, TD Tuberville, KA Buhlmann, BD Todd
Climate Change Responses 4, 1-10, 2017
Habitat selection by juvenile Mojave desert tortoises
BD Todd, BJ Halstead, LP Chiquoine, JM Peaden, KA Buhlmann, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (4), 720-728, 2016
Delimiting road-effect zones for threatened species: implications for mitigation fencing
JM Peaden, TD Tuberville, KA Buhlmann, MG Nafus, BD Todd
Wildlife Research 42 (8), 650-659, 2015
Consequences of maternal effects on offspring size, growth and survival in the desert tortoise
MG Nafus, BD Todd, KA Buhlmann, TD Tuberville
Journal of Zoology 297 (2), 108-114, 2015
Evidence for an established population of tegu lizards (Salvator merianae) in southeastern Georgia, USA
D Haro, LD McBrayer, JB Jensen, JM Gillis, B Lea'R, MG Nafus, ...
Southeastern Naturalist 19 (4), 649-662, 2020
Estimating detection probability for Burmese pythons with few detections and zero recaptures
MG Nafus, FJ Mazzotti, RN Reed
Journal of Herpetology 54 (1), 24-30, 2020
Behavior, size, and body condition predict susceptibility to management and reflect post-treatment frequency shifts in an invasive snake
MG Nafus, AAY Adams, SM Boback, SR Siers, RN Reed
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00834, 2020
Contact rates with nesting birds before and after invasive snake removal: estimating the effects of trap-based control
AA Yackel Adams, MG Nafus, PE Klug, B Lardner, MJ Mazurek, ...
Passive restoration following ungulate removal in a highly disturbed tropical wet forest devoid of native seed dispersers
MG Nafus, JA Savidge, AA Yackel Adams, MT Christy, RN Reed
Restoration Ecology 26 (2), 331-337, 2018
Effects of short‐term, outdoor head‐starting on growth and survival in the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
TD Tuberville, KA Buhlmann, R Sollmann, MG Nafus, JM Peaden, JA Daly, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 14 (1), 171-184, 2019
Evaluating lethal toxicant doses for the largest individuals of an invasive vertebrate predator with indeterminate growth
SR Siers, SM Goetz, RM Volsteadt, MG Nafus
Automated aerial baiting for invasive brown treesnake control: system overview and program status
SR Siers, JD Eisemann, WC Pitt, L Clark, SM Goetz, RJ Gosnell, ...
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 29 (29), 2020
Cues from a common predator cause survival-linked behavioral adjustments in Mojave Desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii)
MG Nafus, JM Germano, RR Swaisgood
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 1-10, 2017
Prostate stem cells and cancer in animals
AY Nikitin, MG Nafus, Z Zhou, CP Liao, P Roy-Burman
Stem Cells and Cancer, 199-216, 2009
Brown treesnake mortality after aerial application of toxic baits
SM Goetz, ET Hileman, MG Nafus, AA Yackel Adams, AR Bryant, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (7), 1507-1514, 2021
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Articles 1–20