Grzegorz Krawczyk
Grzegorz Krawczyk
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering
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Cited by
Influence of the ageing on mechanical properties of the aluminium alloy AlSi9Mg
LA Dobrzański, L Reimann, G Krawczyk
Archives of Materials Science 38, 38, 2008
Dies service performance enhancement for aluminum alloy die casting by nano-composite PVD ceramic coatings
E Aimo Boot, F Cartasegna, M Perucca, G Piacenza, M Rosso, ...
Titolo volume non avvalorato, 2007
PVD Coatings to Enhance Service Performance of Die Casting Dies for Aluminum Alloy
D Ugues, E Torres, M Rosso, M Perucca, G Krawczyk
Surface Modification Technologies: Proceedings of the 20th International …, 2007
Dies service performance enhancement for aluminum alloy die casting by nano-composite PVD ceramic coatings
EA Boot, F Cartasegna, G Krawczyk, M Perucca, G Piacenza, M Rosso, ...
Dies service performance enhancement for aluminium alloy die casting by nano-composite PVD ceramic coatings
M Perucca, EA Boot, F Cartasegna, G Krawczyk, G Piacenza, M Rosso, ...
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