James P. Strange
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Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees
SA Cameron, JD Lozier, JP Strange, JB Koch, N Cordes, LF Solter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2), 662-667, 2011
Interspecific geographic distribution and variation of the pathogens Nosema bombi and Crithidia species in United States bumble bee populations
N Cordes, WF Huang, JP Strange, SA Cameron, TL Griswold, JD Lozier, ...
Journal of invertebrate pathology 109 (2), 209-216, 2012
Patterns of range‐wide genetic variation in six North American bumble bee (Apidae: Bombus) species
JD Lozier, JP Strange, IJ Stewart, SA Cameron
Molecular Ecology 20 (23), 4870-4888, 2011
Bumble bees of the western United States
J Koch, J Strange, PH Williams
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2012
Bumble bee nest abundance, foraging distance, and host‐plant reproduction: implications for management and conservation
JC Geib, JP Strange, C Galen
Ecological Applications 25 (3), 768-778, 2015
Cross-species infection of deformed wing virus poses a new threat to pollinator conservation
J Li, W Peng, J Wu, JP Strange, H Boncristiani, Y Chen
Journal of economic entomology 104 (3), 732-739, 2011
Towards a US national program for monitoring native bees
SH Woodard, S Federman, RR James, BN Danforth, TL Griswold, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 108821, 2020
Bumble bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) foraging distance and colony density associated with a late-season mass flowering crop
S Rao, JP Strange
Environmental entomology 41 (4), 905-915, 2012
Host range expansion of honey bee Black Queen Cell Virus in the bumble bee, Bombus huntii
W Peng, J Li, H Boncristiani, JP Strange, M Hamilton, Y Chen
Apidologie 42, 650-658, 2011
Molecular tools and bumble bees: revealing hidden details of ecology and evolution in a model system
SH Woodard, JD Lozier, D Goulson, PH Williams, JP Strange, S Jha
Molecular Ecology 24 (12), 2916-2936, 2015
Distance, elevation and environment as drivers of diversity and divergence in bumble bees across latitude and altitude
JM Jackson, ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, JB Koch‐Uhuad, JD Herndon, ...
Molecular ecology 27 (14), 2926-2942, 2018
Recent and future declines of a historically widespread pollinator linked to climate, land cover, and pesticides
WM Janousek, MR Douglas, S Cannings, MA Clément, CM Delphia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (5), e2211223120, 2023
Detoxification and stress response genes expressed in a western North American bumble bee, Bombus huntii(Hymenoptera: Apidae)
J Xu, JP Strange, DL Welker, RR James
BMC genomics 14, 1-13, 2013
Global invasion by Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): assessing potential distribution in North America and beyond
JP Strange, JB Koch, VH Gonzalez, L Nemelka, T Griswold
Biological Invasions 13, 2115-2133, 2011
Landscape heterogeneity predicts gene flow in a widespread polymorphic bumble bee, Bombus bifarius (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
JD Lozier, JP Strange, JB Koch
Conservation Genetics 14, 1099-1110, 2013
Morphological and molecular characterization of the Landes honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) ecotype for genetic conservation
JP Strange, L Garnery, WS Sheppard
Journal of Insect Conservation 12, 527-537, 2008
Optimum Timing of Miticide Applications for Control of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Washington State, USA
JP Strange, WS Sheppard
Journal of Economic Entomology 94 (6), 1324-1331, 2001
DNA amplification from pin-mounted bumble bees (Bombus) in a museum collection: effects of fragment size and specimen age on successful PCR
JP Strange, J Knoblett, T Griswold
Apidologie 40 (2), 134-139, 2009
Biogeographic parallels in thermal tolerance and gene expression variation under temperature stress in a widespread bumble bee
ML Pimsler, KJ Oyen, JD Herndon, JM Jackson, JP Strange, ME Dillon, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 17063, 2020
Western bumble bee: declines in the continental United States and range‐wide information gaps
TA Graves, WM Janousek, SM Gaulke, AC Nicholas, DA Keinath, CM Bell, ...
Ecosphere 11 (6), e03141, 2020
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