Dirk Sachse
Dirk Sachse
Senior Scientist at GFZ Potsdam (German Research Centre for Geosciences) and HU Berlin
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Molecular paleohydrology: interpreting the hydrogen-isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers from photosynthesizing organisms
D Sachse, I Billault, GJ Bowen, Y Chikaraishi, TE Dawson, SJ Feakins, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40 (1), 221-249, 2012
δD values of individual n-alkanes from terrestrial plants along a climatic gradient–Implications for the sedimentary biomarker record
D Sachse, J Radke, G Gleixner
Organic Geochemistry 37 (4), 469-483, 2006
Hydrogen isotope ratios of recent lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes record modern climate variability
D Sachse, J Radke, G Gleixner
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23), 4877-4889, 2004
Southward movement of the Pacific intertropical convergence zone AD 1400–1850
JP Sachs, D Sachse, RH Smittenberg, Z Zhang, DS Battisti, S Golubic
Nature Geoscience 2 (7), 519-525, 2009
Prolonged monsoon droughts and links to Indo-Pacific warm pool: A Holocene record from Lonar Lake, central India
S Prasad, A Anoop, N Riedel, S Sarkar, P Menzel, N Basavaiah, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 171-182, 2014
Leaf water deuterium enrichment shapes leaf wax n-alkane δD values of angiosperm plants I: Experimental evidence and mechanistic insights
A Kahmen, E Schefuß, D Sachse
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 111, 39-49, 2013
Leaf water deuterium enrichment shapes leaf wax n-alkane δD values of angiosperm plants II: Observational evidence and global implications
A Kahmen, B Hoffmann, E Schefuß, SK Arndt, LA Cernusak, JB West, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 111, 50-63, 2013
Delayed hydrological response to Greenland cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas in western Europe
O Rach, A Brauer, H Wilkes, D Sachse
Nature Geoscience 7 (2), 109-112, 2014
Effect of lake evaporation on δD values of lacustrine n-alkanes: A comparison of Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau) and Holzmaar (Germany)
I Mügler, D Sachse, M Werner, B Xu, G Wu, T Yao, G Gleixner
Organic Geochemistry 39 (6), 711-729, 2008
Hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes as proxies of tropical African hydrology: insights from a calibration transect across Cameroon
Y Garcin, VF Schwab, G Gleixner, A Kahmen, G Todou, O Séné, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 79, 106-126, 2012
Cellulose δ18O is an index of leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD) in tropical plants
A Kahmen, D Sachse, SK Arndt, KP Tu, H Farrington, PM Vitousek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (5), 1981-1986, 2011
Significant seasonal variation in the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf-wax lipids for two deciduous tree ecosystems (Fagus sylvativa and Acerpseudoplatanus)
D Sachse, A Kahmen, G Gleixner
Organic Geochemistry 40 (6), 732-742, 2009
Reconstructing C3 and C4 vegetation cover using n-alkane carbon isotope ratios in recent lake sediments from Cameroon, Western Central Africa
Y Garcin, E Schefuß, VF Schwab, V Garreta, G Gleixner, A Vincens, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142, 482-500, 2014
Abundance and distribution of leaf wax n-alkanes in leaves of Acacia and Eucalyptus trees along a strong humidity gradient in northern Australia
B Hoffmann, A Kahmen, LA Cernusak, SK Arndt, D Sachse
Organic Geochemistry 62, 62-67, 2013
Leaf wax n-alkane δD values of field-grown barley reflect leaf water δD values at the time of leaf formation
D Sachse, G Gleixner, H Wilkes, A Kahmen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (23), 6741-6750, 2010
Early anthropogenic impact on Western Central African rainforests 2,600 y ago
Y Garcin, P Deschamps, G Ménot, G De Saulieu, E Schefuß, D Sebag, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (13), 3261-3266, 2018
Inverse relationship between D/H fractionation in cyanobacterial lipids and salinity in Christmas Island saline ponds
D Sachse, JP Sachs
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (3), 793-806, 2008
Compound-specific δ13C and δ2H analyses of plant and soil organic matter: A preliminary assessment of the effects of vegetation change on ecosystem hydrology
E Krull, D Sachse, I Mügler, A Thiele, G Gleixner
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (11), 3211-3221, 2006
Monsoon source shifts during the drying mid-Holocene: Biomarker isotope based evidence from the core ‘monsoon zone’(CMZ) of India
S Sarkar, S Prasad, H Wilkes, N Riedel, M Stebich, N Basavaiah, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 123, 144-157, 2015
Leaf wax n‐alkane δD values are determined early in the ontogeny of Populus trichocarpa leaves when grown under controlled environmental conditions
A Kahmen, TE Dawson, A Vieth, D Sachse
Plant, Cell & Environment 34 (10), 1639-1651, 2011
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Articles 1–20