Vadim Fedorov
Vadim Fedorov
Institute of Arctic Biology
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Holarctic phylogeography of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus): implications for late Quaternary biogeography of high latitudes
C Brunhoff, KE Galbreath, VB Fedorov, JA Cook, M Jaarola
Molecular ecology 12 (4), 957-968, 2003
Isolation and Characterization of a Hantavirus from Lemmus sibiricus: Evidence for Host Switch during Hantavirus Evolution
O Vapalahti, Å Lundkvist, V Fedorov, CJ Conroy, S Hirvonen, ...
Journal of Virology 73 (7), 5586-5592, 1999
Multiple glacial refugia in the North American Arctic: inference from phylogeography of the collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus)
VB Fedorov, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Terrestrial trophic dynamics in the Canadian Arctic
CJ Krebs, K Danell, A Angerbjörn, J Agrell, D Berteaux, KA Brĺthen, ...
Canadian journal of Zoology 81 (5), 827-843, 2003
Recent speciation in the Formica rufa group ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): inference from mitochondrial DNA phylogeny
AV Goropashnaya, VB Fedorov, P Pamilo
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 32 (1), 198-206, 2004
Phylogeography of lemmings (Lemmus): no evidence for postglacial colonization of Arctic from the Beringian refugium
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya, M Jaarola, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 12 (3), 725-731, 2003
Glacial survival of the Norwegian lemming (Lemmus lemmus) in Scandinavia: inference from mitochondrial DNA variation
VB Fedorov, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Elevated expression of protein biosynthesis genes in liver and muscle of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus)
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya, Ř Třien, NC Stewart, AY Gracey, ...
Physiological genomics 37 (2), 108-118, 2009
Comparative phylogeography and demographic history of the wood lemming (Myopus schisticolor): implications for late Quaternary history of the taiga species in …
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya, GG Boeskorov, JA Cook
Molecular Ecology 17 (2), 598-610, 2008
Modulation of gene expression in heart and liver of hibernating black bears (Ursus americanus)
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya, Ř Třien, NC Stewart, C Chang, H Wang, ...
BMC genomics 12, 1-15, 2011
Shotgun proteomics analysis of hibernating arctic ground squirrels
C Shao, Y Liu, H Ruan, Y Li, H Wang, F Kohl, AV Goropashnaya, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9 (2), 313-326, 2010
Phylogeographic structure and mitochondrial DNA variation in true lemmings (Lemmus) from the Eurasian Arctic
V Fedorov, A Goropashnaya, GH Jarrell, K Fredga
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 66 (3), 357-371, 1999
Mitochondrial DNA variation and the evolutionary history of chromosome races of collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx) in the Eurasian Arctic
Fedorov, Fredga, Jarrell
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12 (1), 134-145, 1999
Phylogeography of the circumpolar Paranoplocephala arctica species complex (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) parasitizing collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx spp.)
LM Wickström, V Haukisalmi, S Varis, J Hantula, VB Fedorov, ...
Molecular Ecology 12 (12), 3359-3371, 2003
Limited phylogeographical structure across Eurasia in two red wood ant species Formica pratensis and F. lugubris (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
AV Goropashnaya, VB Fedorov, B Seifert, P Pamilo
Molecular Ecology 13 (7), 1849-1858, 2004
The Beringian Coevolution Project: holistic collections of mammals and associated parasites reveal novel perspectives on evolutionary and environmental change in the North
JA Cook, KE Galbreath, KC Bell, ML Campbell, S Carričre, JP Colella, ...
Arctic Science 3 (3), 585-617, 2016
Influence of climate warming on arctic mammals? New insights from ancient DNA studies of the collared lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus
S Prost, N Smirnov, VB Fedorov, RS Sommer, M Stiller, D Nagel, M Knapp, ...
PLoS One 5 (5), e10447, 2010
The Importance of Ice Ages in Diversification of Arctic Collared Lemmings (Dicrostonyx): Evidence from the Mitochondrial Cytochrome B Region
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya
Hereditas 130 (3), 301-307, 1999
Phylogeography of a Holarctic rodent (Myodes rutilus): testing high‐latitude biogeographical hypotheses and the dynamics of range shifts
BA Kohli, VB Fedorov, E Waltari, JA Cook
Journal of Biogeography 42 (2), 377-389, 2015
Comparative functional genomics of adaptation to muscular disuse in hibernating mammals
VB Fedorov, AV Goropashnaya, NC Stewart, Ř Třien, C Chang, H Wang, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (22), 5524-5537, 2014
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Articles 1–20