michael C singer
michael C singer
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Butterfly ecology
LE Gilbert, MC Singer
Annual review of ecology and systematics, 365-397, 1975
Phenological asynchrony between herbivorous insects and their hosts: signal of climate change or pre-existing adaptive strategy?
MC Singer, C Parmesan
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Genetics and the evolution of muellerian mimicry in heliconius butterflies
PM Sheppard, JRG Turner, KS Brown, WW Benson, MC Singer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological …, 1985
The definition and measurement of oviposition preference in plant-feeding insects
MC Singer
Insect-plant interactions, 65-94, 1986
Extinction, reduction, stability and increase: The responses of checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas) populations to the California drought
PR Ehrlich, DD Murphy, MC Singer, CB Sherwood, RR White, IL Brown
Oecologia 46, 101-105, 1980
Heritability of oviposition preference and its relationship to offspring performance within a single insect population
MC Singer, D Ng, CD Thomas
Evolution 42 (5), 977-985, 1988
Rapid human-induced evolution of insect–host associations
MC Singer, CD Thomas, C Parmesan
Nature 366 (6456), 681-683, 1993
Checkerspot Butterflies: A Historical Perspective: Long-term studies of Euphydryas butterffies have revealed much about the biology of natural populations.
PR Ehrlich, RR White, MC Singer, SW McKechnie, LE Gilbert
Science 188 (4185), 221-228, 1975
Determinants of multiple host use by a phytophagous insect population
MC Singer
Evolution, 389-403, 1983
Quantification of host preference by manipulation of oviposition behavior in the butterfly Euphydryas editha
MC Singer
Oecologia 52, 224-229, 1982
Evolution of food-plant preference in the butterfly Euphydryas editha
MC Singer
Evolution, 383-389, 1971
Beyond climate change attribution in conservation and ecological research
C Parmesan, MT Burrows, CM Duarte, ES Poloczanska, AJ Richardson, ...
Ecology letters 16, 58-71, 2013
complex components of habitat suitability in a butterfly colony
michael c singer
science 176, 75-77, 1972
Experimental confirmation that inbreeding depression increases extinction risk in butterfly populations
M Nieminen, MC Singer, W Fortelius, K Schöps, I Hanski
The American Naturalist 157 (2), 237-244, 2001
Extinction-colonization dynamics and host-plant choice in butterfly metapopulations
I Hanski, MC Singer
The American Naturalist 158 (4), 341-353, 2001
Catastrophic extinction of population sources in a butterfly metapopulation
CD Thomas, MC Singer, DA Boughton
The American Naturalist 148 (6), 957-975, 1996
Overstretching attribution
C Parmesan, C Duarte, E Poloczanska, AJ Richardson, MC Singer
Nature Climate Change 1 (1), 2-4, 2011
Evolutionary responses of a butterfly metapopulation to human-and climate-caused environmental variation
MC Singer, CD Thomas
The American Naturalist 148, S9-S39, 1996
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services
C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat, R Adrian, G Zakaria Anshari, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Incorporation of a European weed into the diet of a North American herbivore
CD Thomas, D Ng, MC Singer, JLB Mallet, C Parmesan, HL Billington
Evolution 41 (4), 892-901, 1987
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