Christine Achberger
Christine Achberger
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Statistical downscaling of climate scenarios over Scandinavia
I Hanssen-Bauer, C Achberger, RE Benestad, D Chen, EJ Førland
Climate Research 29 (3), 255-268, 2005
Comparison of climate change scenarios for Sweden based on statistical and dynamical downscaling of monthly precipitation
C Hellström, D Chen, C Achberger, J Räisänen
Climate Research 19 (1), 45-55, 2001
Rain-season trends in precipitation and their effect in different climate regions of China during 1961–2008
Y Song, C Achberger, HW Linderholm
Environmental Research Letters 6 (3), 034025, 2011
Using statistical downscaling to quantify the GCM-related uncertainty in regional climate change scenarios: a case study of Swedish precipitation
D Chen, C Achberger, J Räisänen, C Hellström
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 23, 54-60, 2006
Evaluation of MM5 mesoscale model at local scale for air quality applications over the Swedish west coast: Influence of PBL and LSM parameterizations
JF Miao, D Chen, K Wyser, K Borne, J Lindgren, MKS Strandevall, ...
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 99, 77-103, 2008
Statistical downscaling and scenario construction of precipitation in Scania, southern Sweden
ML Linderson, C Achberger, D Chen
Hydrology Research 35 (3), 261-278, 2004
State of the Climate in 2016
DS Arndt, J Blunden, RJH Dunn, AP Aaron-Morrison, A Abdallah, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (8), S1-S280, 2017
The surface winds of Sweden during 1999–2000
C Achberger, D Chen, H Alexandersson
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2006
Performance of the Rossby Centre regional atmospheric model in Southern Sweden: comparison of simulated and observed precipitation
C Achberger, ML Linderson, D Chen
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 76, 219-234, 2003
The Lund instrumental record of meteorological observations: reconstruction of monthly sea‐level pressure 1780–1997
L Bärring, P Jönsson, C Achberger, M Ekström, H Alexandersson
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1999
Estimation of local near-surface wind conditions–a comparison of WASP and regression based techniques
C Achberger, M Ekström, L Bärring
Meteorological Applications 9 (2), 211-221, 2002
A multi-state weather generator for daily precipitation for the Torne River basin, northern Sweden/western Finland
D Rayner, C Achberger, D Chen
Advances in Climate Change Research 7 (1-2), 70-81, 2016
Projecting future local precipitation and its extremes for Sweden
D Chen, C Achberger, T Ou, U Postgård, A Walther, Y Liao
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 97 (1), 25-39, 2015
Effects of urban morphology on traffic noise: A parameter study including indirect noise exposure and estimated health impact
J Forssén, A Gustafson, MB Pont, M Haeger-Eugensson, C Achberger, ...
Applied Acoustics 186, 108436, 2022
Trend of extreme precipitation in Sweden and Norway during 1961–2004
C Achberger, D Chen
Earth 31, 7731986, 2006
Characterising and visualizing spatio-temporal patterns in hourly precipitation records
A Burauskaite-Harju, A Grimvall, C Achberger, A Walther, D Chen
Theoretical and applied climatology 109, 333-343, 2012
State of the climate in 2012
C Achberger, SA Ackerman, CK Folland, C Hauri, Y Liu, A Albanil, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (8), S1-S238, 2013
Application of TAPM in Swedish West Coast: Modelling results and their validation during 1999–2000
D Chen, T Wang, M Haeger-Eugensson, C Aschberger, K Borne
IVL report L 2, 2002
Data report on measurements of meteorological-and air pollution variables during the campaign GÖTE-2001
K Borne, D Chen, JF Miao, C Achberger, J Lindgren, M Hallquist, ...
Univ., 2005
Correction of surface air temperature measurements from a mobile platform
C Achberger, L Bärring
Agricultural and forest meteorology 98, 227-238, 1999
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Articles 1–20