Manish K Vishwakarma
Manish K Vishwakarma
Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA), CIMMYT, India
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Cited by
QTL‐seq approach identified genomic regions and diagnostic markers for rust and late leaf spot resistance in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
MK Pandey, AW Khan, VK Singh, MK Vishwakarma, Y Shasidhar, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017
Molecular breeding for introgression of fatty acid desaturase mutant alleles (ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B) enhances oil quality in high and low oil containing peanut genotypes
P Janila, MK Pandey, Y Shasidhar, MT Variath, M Sriswathi, P Khera, ...
Plant Science 242, 203-213, 2016
Development and evaluation of a high density genotyping ‘Axiom_Arachis’ array with 58 K SNPs for accelerating genetics and breeding in groundnut
MK Pandey, G Agarwal, SM Kale, J Clevenger, SN Nayak, M Sriswathi, ...
Scientific Reports, Nature publication 7, 40577, 2017
Molecular Mapping of Oil Content and Fatty Acids Using Dense Genetic Maps in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Y Shasidhar, MK Vishwakarma, MK Pandey, P Janila, MT Variath, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 794, 2017
Studies on genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in wheat (T. aestivum L. em Thell.)
DK Baranwal, VK Mishra, MK Vishwakarma, PS Yadav, B Arun
Plant archives 12 (1), 99-104, 2012
Introgression of the high grain protein gene Gpc-B1 in an elite wheat variety of Indo-Gangetic Plains through marker assisted backcross breeding
MK Vishwakarma, VK Mishra, PK Gupta, PS Yadav, H Kumar, AK Joshi
Current Plant Biology 1, 60-67, 2014
Whole‐genome resequencing‐based QTL‐seq identified candidate genes and molecular markers for fresh seed dormancy in groundnut
R Kumar, P Janila, MK Vishwakarma, AW Khan, SS Manohar, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 18 (4), 992-1003, 2020
Genetic Dissection of Novel QTLs for Resistance to Leaf Spots and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
MK Pandey, H Wang, P Khera, MK Vishwakarma, SM Kale, AK Culbreath, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 25, 2017
Improvement of three popular Indian groundnut varieties for foliar disease resistance and high oleic acid using SSR markers and SNP array in marker-assisted backcrossing
Y Shasidhar, MT Variath, MK Vishwakarma, SS Manohar, SS Gangurde, ...
The Crop Journal 8 (1), 1-15, 2020
Marker-assisted improvement of grain protein content and grain weight in Indian bread wheat
MK Vishwakarma, B Arun, VK Mishra, PS Yadav, H Kumar, AK Joshi
Euphytica 208, 313-321, 2016
Enhanced resistance in wheat against stem rust achieved by marker assisted backcrossing involving three independent Sr genes
PS Yadav, VK Mishra, B Arun, R Chand, MK Vishwakarma, NK Vasistha, ...
Current Plant Biology 2, 25-33, 2015
Identification of two major quantitative trait loci for fresh seed dormancy using the diversity arrays technology and diversity arrays technology‐seq based genetic map in …
MK Vishwakarma, MK Pandey, Y Shasidhar, SS Manohar, P Nagesh, ...
Plant Breeding 135 (3), 367-375, 2016
Genome-wide discovery and deployment of insertions and deletions markers provided greater insights on species, genomes, and sections relationships in the genus Arachis
MK Vishwakarma, SM Kale, M Sriswathi, T Naresh, Y Shasidhar, V Garg, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 2064, 2017
Genetic variability and heritability analysis for some quantitative traits in field pea (Pisum sativum L.)
RR Saxesena, V Vidyakar, MK Vishwakarma, PS Yadav, ML Meena, ...
The Bioscan 9 (2), 895-898, 2014
Introgression of a gene for high grain protein content (Gpc-B1) into two leading cultivars of wheat in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India through marker assisted backcross breeding
VK Mishra, PK Gupta, A Balasubramaniam, R Chand, NK Vasistha, ...
Academic Journals, 2015
Studies on variability, heritability and genetic advance in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
RA Gupta, SK Chakravati, CN Ram, C Deo, MK Vishwakarma, A R, B Pal
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 1 (1), 3195-3198, 2018
Induced mutation in traditional aromatic rice-frequency and spectrum of viable mutations and characterizations of economic values
SK Chakravarti, H Kumar, JP Lal, MK Vishwakarma
The Bioscan 7 (4), 739-742, 2012
Diversity analysis and identification of promising lines for hybridization in field pea (Pisum sativum L.)
RR Saxesena, GM Lal, PS Yadav, MK Vishwakarma
The Bioscan 8 (4), 1437-1440, 2013
SSR markers associated to early leaf spot disease resistance through selective genotyping and single marker analysis in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
A Zongo, P Khera, M Sawadogo, Y Shasidhar, M Sriswathi, ...
Biotechnology Reports, 2017
Morphological and molecular characterization of Brassica rapa ssp yellow sarson mutants
H Kumar, Anubha, MK Vishwakarma, JP Lal
Journal of Oilseed Brassica 2 (1), 1-6, 2011
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Articles 1–20