The Gaussian graphical model in cross-sectional and time-series data S Epskamp, LJ Waldorp, R Mõttus, D Borsboom Multivariate behavioral research 53 (4), 453-480, 2018 | 999 | 2018 |
State of the aRt personality research: A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R G Costantini, S Epskamp, D Borsboom, M Perugini, R Mõttus, LJ Waldorp, ... Journal of Research in Personality 54, 13-29, 2015 | 984 | 2015 |
Personality traits below facets: The consensual validity, longitudinal stability, heritability, and utility of personality nuances. R Mõttus, C Kandler, W Bleidorn, R Riemann, RR McCrae Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112 (3), 474, 2017 | 370 | 2017 |
Descriptive, predictive and explanatory personality research: Different goals, different approaches, but a shared need to move beyond the Big Few traits R Mõttus, D Wood, DM Condon, MD Back, A Baumert, G Costantini, ... European Journal of Personality 34 (6), 1175-1201, 2020 | 260 | 2020 |
Big Five and HEXACO personality traits, proenvironmental attitudes, and behaviors: A meta-analysis ARB Soutter, TC Bates, R Mõttus Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (4), 913-941, 2020 | 235 | 2020 |
Towards more rigorous personality trait–outcome research R Mõttus European Journal of Personality 30 (4), 292-303, 2016 | 229 | 2016 |
Neuroticism and extraversion in youth predict mental wellbeing and life satisfaction 40 years later CR Gale, T Booth, R Mõttus, D Kuh, IJ Deary Journal of research in personality 47 (6), 687-697, 2013 | 216 | 2013 |
The associations between personality, diet and body mass index in older people. R Mottus, G McNeill, X Jia, LCA Craig, JM Starr, IJ Deary Health Psychology 32 (4), 353, 2013 | 190 | 2013 |
Personality traits in old age: measurement and rank-order stability and some mean-level change. R Mõttus, W Johnson, IJ Deary Psychology and aging 27 (1), 243, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
Personality traits and eating habits in a large sample of Estonians. R Mõttus, A Realo, J Allik, IJ Deary, T Esko, A Metspalu Health Psychology 31 (6), 806, 2012 | 164 | 2012 |
Personality characteristics below facets: A replication and meta-analysis of cross-rater agreement, rank-order stability, heritability, and utility of personality nuances. R Mõttus, J Sinick, A Terracciano, M Hřebíčková, C Kandler, J Ando, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 117 (4), e35, 2019 | 163 | 2019 |
Towards understanding the links between health literacy and physical health. R Mõttus, W Johnson, C Murray, MS Wolf, JM Starr, IJ Deary Health Psychology 33 (2), 164, 2014 | 160 | 2014 |
Successful explanations start with accurate descriptions: Questionnaire items as personality markers for more accurate predictions A Seeboth, R Mõttus European Journal of Personality 32 (3), 186-201, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
The effect of response style on self-reported conscientiousness across 20 countries R Mõttus, J Allik, A Realo, J Rossier, G Zecca, J Ah-Kion, ... Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (11), 1423-1436, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): A multi-national study involving 73 countries RT Proyer, W Ruch, NS Ali, HS Al-Olimat, T Amemiya, TA Adal, SA Ansari, ... Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 22 (1-2), 253-279, 2009 | 119 | 2009 |
How people see others is different from how people see themselves: A replicable pattern across cultures. J Allik, A Realo, R Mottus, P Borkenau, P Kuppens, M Hřebíčková Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (5), 870, 2010 | 111 | 2010 |
Toward more readable Big Five personality inventories R Mõttus, H Pullmann, J Allik European Journal of Psychological Assessment 22 (3), 149-157, 2006 | 111 | 2006 |
Development is in the details: Age differences in the Big Five domains, facets, and nuances. R Mõttus, D Rozgonjuk Journal of personality and social psychology 120 (4), 1035, 2021 | 103 | 2021 |
Pathological gambling in Estonia: Relationships with personality, self-esteem, emotional states and cognitive ability PR Kaare, R Mottus, K Konstabel Journal of Gambling Studies 25, 377-390, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
The finer details? The predictability of life outcomes from Big Five domains, facets, and nuances RD Stewart, R Mõttus, A Seeboth, CJ Soto, W Johnson Journal of personality 90 (2), 167-182, 2022 | 89 | 2022 |