Minh Thi Thuy Vu
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Cited by
Optimization of photosynthesis, growth, and biochemical composition of the microalga Rhodomonas salina—an established diet for live feed copepods in aquaculture
MTT Vu, C Douëtte, TA Rayner, C Thoisen, SL Nielsen, BW Hansen
Journal of Applied Phycology 28, 1485-1500, 2016
Extreme temperature impairs growth and productivity in a common tropical marine copepod
NX Doan, MTT Vu, HQ Pham, MS Wisz, TG Nielsen, KV Dinh
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4550, 2019
The constraints of high density production of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana
MTT Vu, BW Hansen, T Kiørboe
Journal of Plankton Research 39 (6), 1028–1039, 2017
Artificial light pollution increases the sensitivity of tropical zooplankton to extreme warming
TT Nguyen, MH Le, NX Doan, HQ Pham, MTT Vu, KV Dinh
Environmental Technology & Innovation 20, 101179, 2020
Testing the yield of a pilot-scale bubble column photobioreactor for cultivation of the microalga Rhodomonas salina† as feed for intensive calanoid copepod cultures
MTT Vu, PM Jepsen, NOG Jørgensen, BW Hansen, SL Nielsen
Aquaculture Research, 2019
Interactive effects of extreme temperature and a widespread coastal metal contaminant reduce the fitness of a common tropical copepod across generations
KV Dinh, QTT Nguyen, TB Bui, TS Dao, DM Tran, NX Doan, TSH Truong, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 159, 111509, 2020
Predator cues increase negative effects of a simulated marine heatwave on tropical zooplankton
KN Truong, NA Vu, NX Doan, MH Le, MTT Vu, KV Dinh
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 530, 151415, 2020
Small-scale experiments aimed at optimization of large-scale production of the microalga Rhodomonas salina
C Thoisen, MTT Vu, T Carron-Cabaret, PM Jepsen, SL Nielsen, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 30 (4), 2193-2202, 2018
Parental exposures increase the vulnerability of copepod offspring to copper and a simulated marine heatwave
KV Dinh, KLU Doan, NX Doan, HQ Pham, THO Le, MH Le, MTT Vu, ...
Environmental Pollution 287, 117603, 2021
Temperature‐and sex‐specific grazing rate of a tropical copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei to food availability: Implications for live feed in aquaculture
NX Doan, MTT Vu, HT Nguyen, HTN Tran, HQ Pham, KV Dinh
Aquaculture Research 49 (12), 3864-3873, 2018
Salinity and temperature effects on productivity of a tropical calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus incisus
TT Nguyen, MH Le, NX Doan, ST Nguyen, TSH Truong, MTT Vu, KV Dinh
Aquaculture Research 51 (9), 3768-3779, 2020
A comprehensive and precise quantification of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana) for intensive live feed cultures using an automated ZooImage system
MTT Vu, PM Jepsen, BW Hansen
Aquaculture 422, 225-231, 2014
Studying interactions among anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review of 2396 multiple‐stressor experiments
JA Orr, SJ Macaulay, A Mordente, B Burgess, D Albini, JG Hunn, ...
Ecology Letters 27 (6), e14463, 2024
Transgenerational exposure to marine heatwaves ameliorates the lethal effect on tropical copepods regardless of predation stress
KN Truong, NA Vu, NX Doan, CV Bui, MH Le, MTT Vu, KV Dinh
Ecology and Evolution 12 (8), e9149, 2022
Recommended feeding regime and light climate in live feed cultures of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana
PM Jepsen, NS Bjørbæk, TA Rayner, MTT Vu, BW Hansen
Aquaculture International 25 (2), 635-654, 2017
in situ Fabrication of Biological Chitosan and Gelatin-Based Hydrogels Loading Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Regeneration
TT Nguyen, CK Huynh, MDT Van Thu Le, BL Giang, NQ Tran, MT Vu
Asian Journal of Chemistry 31, 1062-1070, 2019
Water quality and production of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana cultured in a recirculating and a flow through system
MVT Thuy
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences …, 2011
Laboratory scale photobioreactor for high production of microalgae Rhodomonas salina used as food for intensive copepod cultures
MVT Thuy, PM Jepsen, BW Hansen, SL Nielsen
EAS40: European Aquaculture Society, 2015
Comparing Apparent Diffusion Coefficients and Cognitive Outcomes in Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease and Stroke
M Vu, K Walker, A Robertson, T Domi, L Pulcine, R Westmacott, D Mikulis, ...
Determination of a Suitable Concentration of Sodium Hydrophosphate for Storing Red Blood Cell Mass
NT Tran, MT Vu, TN Can, TM Nguyen
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3163-3172, 2021
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Articles 1–20