Mariana Andrea Grossi
Mariana Andrea Grossi
Investigadora Conicet, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Cited by
Brazilian Flora 2020: innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
FLR Filardi, F Barros, JFA Baumgratz, CEM Bicudo, TB Cavalcanti, ...
Rodriguésia 69, 1513-1527, 2018
Apolipoprotein B and cardiovascular disease: biomarker and potential therapeutic target
J Behbodikhah, S Ahmed, A Elyasi, LJ Kasselman, J De Leon, AD Glass, ...
Metabolites 11 (10), 690, 2021
Panorama de la familia Asteraceae (= Compositae) en la República Argentina
L Katinas, DG Gutiérrez, MA Grossi, JV Crisci
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 42 (1-2), 113-129, 2007
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
Brazil Flora Group, J Gomes‐da‐Silva, FLR Filardi, MRV Barbosa, ...
Taxon 71 (1), 178-198, 2022
The importance of native and exotic plant identity and dominance on decomposition patterns in mountain woodlands of central Argentina
C Furey, PA Tecco, N Perez-Harguindeguy, MA Giorgis, M Grossi
Acta Oecologica 54, 13-20, 2014
Community voices: the importance of diverse networks in academic mentoring
R Deanna, BG Merkle, KP Chun, D Navarro-Rosenblatt, I Baxter, N Oleas, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1681, 2022
The genus Stevia (Eupatorieae, Asteraceae) in Chile: a taxonomical and morphological analysis
DG Gutierrez, M Muñoz Schick, MA Grossi, JF Rodríguez Cravero, ...
Magnolia Press, 2016
Providing tools for the reassessment of Eupatorieae (Asteraceae): comparative and statistical analysis of reproductive characters in South American taxa
MA Grossi, JNV Barreto, A Plos, JF Rodríguez-Cravero, NB Forte, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 46, 125566, 2020
Acanthostyles (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae): a revision with a multivariate analysis
MA Grossi, DG Gutierrez, PC Berrueta, JJ Martinez
Australian Systematic Botany 24 (2), 87-103, 2011
Where is historical biogeography going? The evolution of the discipline in the first decade of the 21st century
P Posadas, MA Grossi, E Ortiz-Jaureguizar
Progress in Physical Geography 37 (3), 377-396, 2013
A revision and morphological analysis of the Uruguayan species of Stevia (Compositae, Eupatorieae)
JF Rodríguez-Cravero, DG Gutiérrez, L Katinas, MA Grossi, JM Bonifacino, ...
Rodriguésia 70, e01532018, 2019
A new circumscription of the genus Stomatanthes (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae)
MA Grossi, L Katinas
Systematic Botany 38 (3), 830-849, 2013
Cambio climático y modelado de distribución de especies de Stevia (Asteraceae) en el noroeste de la Argentina
JF Rodríguez-Cravero, MA Grossi, T Fuentes-Castillo, DG Gutiérrez
Ecología austral 27 (3), 462-473, 2017
Hints on active tectonics in the southern Messina Straits: preliminary results from the TAORMINA-2006 seismic cruise
A Argnani, G Brancolini, M Rovere, F Accaino, F Zgur, M Grossi, F Fanzutti, ...
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata 2, 163-176, 2008
Occurrence of shallow gas in the easternmost Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego)
E Lodolo, L Baradello, A Darbo, M Caffau, A Tassone, H Lippai, A Lodolo, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 10 (2), 161-169, 2012
Taxonomic identity of Gamochaeta americana and Gamochaeta coarctata (Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae).
SE Freire, MA Grossi, L Iharlegui, CL Abarca, C Monti, ND Bayon
Root anatomy of 37 species of Asplenium (Aspleniaceae) from Argentina: contributions to the systematics and phylogeny of the genus
ML Luna, MA Ganem, MA Grossi, GE Giudice
Flora 272, 151706, 2020
The road to 2020 targets and the learnings from the emblematic South American plant genus Nassauvia (Asteraceae)
MA Grossi, D Draper, MJ Apodaca, MS Vitali, L Pataro, L Katinas, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 329-351, 2017
Development and morphology of the fruit and seed of the hemiparasite genus Jodina (Cervantesiaceae)
ML Luna, GE Giudice, MA Grossi, DG Gutiérrez
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 74 (1), 1-9, 2017
Una mirada sobre el estado actual de la conservación de la flora argentina
MA Grossi, DG Gutierrez, G Delucchi
Conservación Vegetal 16, 2012
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Articles 1–20