Jeomshik Hwang
Jeomshik Hwang
Associate Professor in School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
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Biological pump processes in the cryopelagic and hemipelagic Arctic Ocean: Canada Basin and Chukchi Rise
S Honjo, RA Krishfield, TI Eglinton, SJ Manganini, JN Kemp, K Doherty, ...
Progress in Oceanography 85 (3-4), 137-170, 2010
Lipid-like material as the source of the uncharacterized organic carbon in the ocean?
J Hwang, ERM Druffel
Science 299 (5608), 881-884, 2003
Widespread influence of resuspended sediments on oceanic particulate organic carbon: Insights from radiocarbon and aluminum contents in sinking particles
J Hwang, ERM Druffel, TI Eglinton
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (4), 2010
Sedimentary rocks as sources of ancient organic carbon to the ocean: An investigation through Δ14C and δ13C signatures of organic compound classes
T Komada, ERM Druffel, J Hwang
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2), 2005
High primary productivity and f-ratio in summer in the Ulleung basin of the East/Japan Sea
JH Kwak, J Hwang, EJ Choy, HJ Park, DJ Kang, T Lee, KI Chang, KR Kim, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 79, 74-85, 2013
Lateral organic carbon supply to the deep Canada Basin
J Hwang, TI Eglinton, RA Krishfield, SJ Manganini, S Honjo
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (11), 2008
Biomagnification of persistent chlorinated and brominated contaminants in food web components of the Yellow Sea
GH Byun, HB Moon, JH Choi, J Hwang, CK Kang
Marine pollution bulletin 73 (1), 210-219, 2013
Incorporation of aged dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by oceanic particulate organic carbon (POC): an experimental approach using natural carbon isotopes
J Hwang, ERM Druffel, JE Bauer
Marine Chemistry 98 (2-4), 315-322, 2006
Evidence of minimal carbon sequestration in the productive Amundsen Sea polynya
SH Lee, J Hwang, HW Ducklow, D Hahm, SH Lee, D Kim, JH Hyun, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (15), 7892-7899, 2017
Transport of organic carbon from the California coast to the slope region: A study of Δ14C and δ13C signatures of organic compound classes
J Hwang, ERM Druffel, T Komada
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2), 2005
Sinking particle flux in the sea ice zone of the Amundsen shelf, Antarctica
M Kim, J Hwang, HJ Kim, D Kim, EJ Yang, HW Ducklow, S La Hyoung, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 101, 110-117, 2015
Summer primary productivity and phytoplankton community composition driven by different hydrographic structures in the East/Japan Sea and the Western Subarctic Pacific
JH Kwak, SH Lee, J Hwang, YS Suh, H Je Park, KI Chang, KR Kim, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (7), 4505-4519, 2014
Blank correction for Δ14C measurements in organic compound classes of oceanic particulate matter
J Hwang, ERM Druffel
Radiocarbon 47 (1), 75-87, 2005
Biogeochemical properties of sinking particles in the southwestern part of the East Sea (Japan Sea)
M Kim, J Hwang, TK Rho, T Lee, DJ Kang, KI Chang, S Noh, HT Joo, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 167, 33-42, 2017
Temporal and spatial variability of particle transport in the deep A rctic C anada B asin
J Hwang, M Kim, SJ Manganini, CP McIntyre, N Haghipour, JJ Park, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (4), 2784-2799, 2015
Significant and conservative long-range transport of dissolved organic nutrients in the Changjiang diluted water
HK Kwon, G Kim, J Hwang, WA Lim, JW Park, TH Kim
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12768, 2018
Dissolved inorganic radiocarbon in the north Pacific Ocean and Sargasso Sea
ERM Druffel, JE Bauer, S Griffin, SR Beaupré, J Hwang
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 55 (4), 451-459, 2008
Penetration of anthropogenic carbon into organic particles of the deep ocean
ERM Druffel, JE Bauer, S Griffin, J Hwang
Geophysical research letters 30 (14), 2003
Dynamics of particle export on the Northwest Atlantic margin
J Hwang, SJ Manganini, DB Montluçon, TI Eglinton
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56 (10), 1792-1803, 2009
The air-sea exchange of CO2 in the East Sea (Japan Sea)
DC Oh, MK Park, SH Choi, DJ Kang, SY Park, JS Hwang, A Andreev, ...
Journal of oceanography 55, 157-169, 1999
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