Herry Purnomo
Herry Purnomo
IPB University and CIFOR
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Cited by
Fire economy and actor network of forest and land fires in Indonesia
H Purnomo, B Shantiko, S Sitorus, H Gunawan, R Achdiawan, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 78, 21-31, 2017
Reconciling oil palm economic development and environmental conservation in Indonesia: A value chain dynamic approach
H Purnomo, B Okarda, A Dermawan, QP Ilham, P Pacheco, F Nurfatriani, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 111, 102089, 2020
Measuring the effectiveness of landscape approaches to conservation and development
JA Sayer, C Margules, AK Boedhihartono, T Sunderland, JD Langston, ...
Sustainability Science 12, 465-476, 2017
Reducing forest and land fires through good palm oil value chain governance
H Purnomo, B Okarda, AA Dewayani, M Ali, R Achdiawan, ...
Forest policy and economics 91, 94-106, 2018
Financial governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and post-Soeharto periods, 1989–2009: A political economic analysis of lessons for REDD+
C Barr, A Dermawan, H Purnomo, H Komarudin
CIFOR, 2010
Governing the teak furniture business: A global value chain system dynamic modelling approach
H Purnomo, P Guizol, DR Muhtaman
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (12), 1391-1401, 2009
Developing multi-stakeholder forest management scenarios: a multi-agent system simulation approach applied in Indonesia
H Purnomo, GA Mendoza, R Prabhu, Y Yasmi
Forest Policy and Economics 7 (4), 475-491, 2005
Managing peatlands in Indonesia: challenges and opportunities for local and global communities.
K Hergoualc'h, R Carmenta, S Atmadja, C Martius, D Murdiyarso, ...
Reducing emissions from land use in Indonesia: motivation, policy instruments and expected funding streams
M Van Noordwijk, F Agus, S Dewi, H Purnomo
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 19, 677-692, 2014
Analysis of local perspectives on sustainable forest management: an Indonesian case study
H Purnomo, GA Mendoza, R Prabhu
Journal of environmental management 74 (2), 111-126, 2005
Forest and land fires, toxic haze and local politics in Indonesia
H Purnomo, B Okarda, B Shantiko, R Achdiawan, A Dermawan, ...
International Forestry Review 21 (4), 486-500, 2019
Pemodelan dan simulasi untuk pengelolaan adaptif sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan
H Purnomo
Pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau berdasarkan distribusi suhu permukaan di Kabupaten Bandung
SB Rushayati, HS Alikodra, EN Dahlan, H Purnomo
Simulating forest plantation co-management with a multi-agent system
H Purnomo, P Guizol
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 44 (5-6), 535-552, 2006
Application of Unified Theory of Acceptance, Use of Technology Model and Delone & Mclean Success Model to Analyze Use Behavior in Mobile Commerce Applications
DK Pramudito, A Nuryana, S Assery, H Purnomo, AA Bakri
Jurnal Informasi Dan Teknologi, 1-6, 2023
Manajemen Umkm
Media Sains Indonesia, 2022
Model for collaborative planning of community-managed resources based on qualitative soft systems approach
H Purnomo, GA Mendoza, R Prabhu
Journal of tropical forest science, 106-131, 2004
Defining ecological restoration of peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
D Puspitaloka, YS Kim, H Purnomo, PZ Fulé
Restoration Ecology 28 (2), 435-446, 2020
Scenario-based actions to upgrade small-scale furniture producers and their impacts on women in Central Java, Indonesia
H Purnomo, RH Irawati, AU Fauzan, M Melati
International Forestry Review 13 (2), 152-162, 2011
Collaborative modelling to support forest management: Qualitative systems analysis at Lumut Mountain, Indonesia
H Purnomo, Y Yasmi, R Prabhu, S Hakim, A Jafar, Suprihatin
Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2 (2), 259-275, 2003
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Articles 1–20