Gregory T Concepcion
Gregory T Concepcion
Pacific Biosciences
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Haplotype-resolved de novo assembly using phased assembly graphs with hifiasm
H Cheng, GT Concepcion, X Feng, H Zhang, H Li
Nature methods 18 (2), 170-175, 2021
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
CS Chin, P Peluso, FJ Sedlazeck, M Nattestad, GT Concepcion, A Clum, ...
Nature methods 13 (12), 1050-1054, 2016
Accurate circular consensus long-read sequencing improves variant detection and assembly of a human genome
AM Wenger, P Peluso, WJ Rowell, PC Chang, RJ Hall, GT Concepcion, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (10), 1155-1162, 2019
Defining boundaries for ecosystem‐based management: A multispecies case study of marine connectivity across the Hawaiian archipelago
RJ Toonen, KR Andrews, IB Baums, CE Bird, GT Concepcion, ...
Journal of Marine Sciences 2011 (1), 460173, 2011
Dinoflagellate expressed sequence tag data indicate massive transfer of chloroplast genes to the nuclear genome
TR Bachvaroff, GT Concepcion, CR Rogers, EM Herman, CF Delwiche
Protist 155 (1), 65-78, 2004
Improved assembly and variant detection of a haploid human genome using single‐molecule, high‐fidelity long reads
MR Vollger, GA Logsdon, PA Audano, A Sulovari, D Porubsky, P Peluso, ...
Annals of human genetics 84 (2), 125-140, 2020
Extended haplotype-phasing of long-read de novo genome assemblies using Hi-C
ZN Kronenberg, A Rhie, S Koren, GT Concepcion, P Peluso, KM Munson, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1935, 2021
Variation in Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence assemblages among coral colonies
M Stat, CE Bird, X Pochon, L Chasqui, LJ Chauka, GT Concepcion, ...
PloS one 6 (1), e15854, 2011
Resolving natural ranges and marine invasions in a globally distributed octocoral (genus Carijoa)
GT Concepcion, SE Kahng, MW Crepeau, EC Franklin, SL Coles, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 401, 113-127, 2010
Ecomorph or Endangered Coral? DNA and Microstructure Reveal Hawaiian Species Complexes: Montipora dilatata/flabellata/turgescens & M. patula/verrilli
ZH Forsman, GT Concepcion, RD Haverkort, RW Shaw, JE Maragos, ...
PLoS one 5 (12), e15021, 2010
Dinoflagellate phylogeny revisited: Using ribosomal proteins to resolve deep branching dinoflagellate clades
TR Bachvaroff, SG Gornik, GT Concepcion, RF Waller, GS Mendez, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 70, 314-322, 2014
From Parent to Gamete: Vertical Transmission of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) ITS2 Sequence Assemblages in the Reef Building Coral Montipora capitata
JL Padilla-Gamiño, X Pochon, C Bird, GT Concepcion, RD Gates
PLoS one 7 (6), e38440, 2012
An alternative to ITS, a hypervariable, single-copy nuclear intron in corals, and its use in detecting cryptic species within the octocoral genus Carijoa
GT Concepcion, MW Crepeau, D Wagner, SE Kahng, RJ Toonen
Coral reefs 27, 323-336, 2008
Isolation by distance across the Hawaiian Archipelago in the reef‐building coral Porites lobata
NR Polato, GT Concepcion, RJ Toonen, IB Baums
Molecular Ecology 19 (21), 4661-4677, 2010
Sequence and annotation of 42 cannabis genomes reveals extensive copy number variation in cannabinoid synthesis and pathogen resistance genes
KJ McKernan, Y Helbert, LT Kane, H Ebling, L Zhang, B Liu, Z Eaton, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.01. 03.894428, 2020
A draft phased assembly of the diploid Cascade hop (Humulus lupulus) genome
LK Padgitt‐Cobb, SB Kingan, J Wells, J Elser, B Kronmiller, D Moore, ...
The plant genome 14 (1), e20072, 2021
Noncoding mitochondrial loci for corals
GT Concepcion, M Medina, RJ Toonen
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (4), 1208-1211, 2006
Regional population structure of Montipora capitata across the Hawaiian Archipelago
GT Concepcion, IB Baums, RJ Toonen
Bulletin of Marine Science 90 (1), 257-275, 2014
Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris
YL Chan, X Pochon, MA Fisher, D Wagner, GT Concepcion, SE Kahng, ...
BMC ecology 9, 1-7, 2009
Development of microsatellite markers from four Hawaiian corals: Acropora cytherea, Fungia scutaria, Montipora capitata and Porites lobata
GT Concepcion, NR Polato, IB Baums, RJ Toonen
Conservation Genetics Resources 2, 11-15, 2010
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Articles 1–20