Guijun Yan
Guijun Yan
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Antioxidant activity and phenolics of an endophytic Xylaria sp. from Ginkgo biloba
X Liu, M Dong, X Chen, M Jiang, X Lv, G Yan
Food chemistry 105 (2), 548-554, 2007
Flower numbers, pod production, pollen viability, and pistil function are reduced and flower and pod abortion increased in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under …
X Fang, NC Turner, G Yan, F Li, KHM Siddique
Journal of experimental botany 61 (2), 335-345, 2010
Arsenic toxicity in plants: cellular and molecular mechanisms of its transport and metabolism
MA Farooq, F Islam, B Ali, U Najeeb, B Mao, RA Gill, G Yan, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 132, 42-52, 2016
Production of viable male unreduced gametes in Brassica interspecific hybrids is genotype specific and stimulated by cold temperatures
AS Mason, MN Nelson, G Yan, WA Cowling
BMC plant biology 11, 1-13, 2011
Transcriptomics analyses reveal wheat responses to drought stress during reproductive stages under field conditions
J Ma, R Li, H Wang, D Li, X Wang, Y Zhang, W Zhen, H Duan, G Yan, Y Li
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 592, 2017
Accelerated generation of selfed pure line plants for gene identification and crop breeding
G Yan, H Liu, H Wang, Z Lu, Y Wang, D Mullan, J Hamblin, C Liu
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1786, 2017
A procedure allowing up to eight generations of wheat and nine generations of barley per annum
Z Zheng, HB Wang, GD Chen, GJ Yan, CJ Liu
Euphytica 191, 311-316, 2013
Mapping a major gene for growth habit and QTLs for ascochyta blight resistance and flowering time in a population between chickpea and Cicer reticulatum
N Aryamanesh, MN Nelson, G Yan, HJ Clarke, KHM Siddique
Euphytica 173, 307-319, 2010
Identification and validation of a major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in hexaploid wheat
J Ma, HB Li, CY Zhang, XM Yang, YX Liu, GJ Yan, CJ Liu
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120 (6), 1119-1128, 2010
Identification of Putative Candidate Genes for Water Stress Tolerance in Canola (Brassica napus)
J Zhang, AS Mason, J Wu, S Liu, X Zhang, T Luo, R Redden, J Batley, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1058, 2015
Trigenomic Bridges for Brassica Improvement
S Chen, MN Nelson, AM Chèvre, E Jenczewski, Z Li, AS Mason, J Meng, ...
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 30 (6), 524-547, 2011
Molecular Variation and Fingerprinting of Leucadendron Cultivars (Proteaceae) by ISSR Markers
M Pharmawati, G Yan, PM Finnegan
Annals of Botany 95 (7), 1163-1170, 2005
Changes in δ15N in a soil–plant system under different biochar feedstocks and application rates
F Reverchon, RC Flicker, H Yang, G Yan, Z Xu, C Chen, S Hosseini Bai, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 50, 275-283, 2014
Allelic Variations of a Light Harvesting Chlorophyll A/B-Binding Protein Gene (Lhcb1) Associated with Agronomic Traits in Barley
Y Xia, Z Ning, G Bai, R Li, G Yan, KHM Siddique, M Baum, P Guo
PLoS one 7 (5), e37573, 2012
Genetic analysis of pod and seed resistance to pea weevil in a Pisum sativum× P. fulvum interspecific cross
OM Byrne, DC Hardie, TN Khan, J Speijers, G Yan
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (9), 854-862, 2008
Genome structure affects the rate of autosyndesis and allosyndesis in AABC, BBAC and CCAB Brassica interspecific hybrids
AS Mason, V Huteau, F Eber, O Coriton, G Yan, MN Nelson, WA Cowling, ...
Chromosome research 18, 655-666, 2010
A novel fibrinolytic enzyme from Cordyceps militaris, a Chinese traditional medicinal mushroom
L Cui, MS Dong, XH Chen, M Jiang, X Lv, G Yan
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24, 483-489, 2008
Sequencing consolidates molecular markers with plant breeding practice
H Yang, C Li, HM Lam, J Clements, G Yan, S Zhao
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128, 779-795, 2015
Microspore culture preferentially selects unreduced (2n) gametes from an interspecific hybrid of Brassica napus L. × Brassica carinata Braun
MN Nelson, AS Mason, MC Castello, L Thomson, G Yan, WA Cowling
Theoretical and applied genetics 119, 497-505, 2009
Salicylic acid mediates antioxidant defense system and ABA pathway related gene expression in Oryza sativa against quinclorac toxicity
J Wang, M Lv, F Islam, RA Gill, C Yang, B Ali, G Yan, W Zhou
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 133, 146-156, 2016
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Articles 1–20