Elizabeth L Johnson
Elizabeth L Johnson
Assistant Professor of Molecular Nutrition, Cornell University
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Cited by
Quiescent fibroblasts exhibit high metabolic activity
JMS Lemons, XJ Feng, BD Bennett, A Legesse-Miller, EL Johnson, ...
PLoS biology 8 (10), e1000514, 2010
Microbiome and metabolic disease: revisiting the bacterial phylum Bacteroidetes
EL Johnson, SL Heaver, WA Walters, RE Ley
Journal of Molecular Medicine 95, 1-8, 2017
Sphingolipids produced by gut bacteria enter host metabolic pathways impacting ceramide levels
EL Johnson, SL Heaver, JL Waters, BI Kim, A Bretin, AL Goodman, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2471, 2020
Sphingolipids in host–microbial interactions
SL Heaver, EL Johnson, RE Ley
Current opinion in microbiology 43, 92-99, 2018
Gestational diabetes is driven by microbiota-induced inflammation months before diagnosis
Y Pinto, S Frishman, S Turjeman, A Eshel, M Nuriel-Ohayon, O Shtossel, ...
Gut 72 (5), 918-928, 2023
A microRNA network regulates proliferative timing and extracellular matrix synthesis during cellular quiescence in fibroblasts
EJ Suh, MY Remillard, A Legesse-Miller, EL Johnson, JMS Lemons, ...
Genome biology 13, 1-14, 2012
Characterization of interactions of dietary cholesterol with the murine and human gut microbiome
HH Le, MT Lee, KR Besler, JMC Comrie, EL Johnson
Nature microbiology 7 (9), 1390-1403, 2022
Host hepatic metabolism is modulated by gut microbiota-derived sphingolipids
HH Le, MT Lee, KR Besler, EL Johnson
Cell host & microbe 30 (6), 798-808. e7, 2022
Regulation of the let-7a-3 promoter by NF-κB
DJ Wang, A Legesse-Miller, EL Johnson, HA Coller
PLoS One 7 (2), e31240, 2012
Dietary sphinganine is selectively assimilated by members of the mammalian gut microbiome
MT Lee, HH Le, EL Johnson
Journal of lipid research 62, 2021
Alternative polyadenylation factors link cell cycle to migration
M Mitra, EL Johnson, VS Swamy, LE Nersesian, DC Corney, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-24, 2018
Characterization of inositol lipid metabolism in gut-associated Bacteroidetes
SL Heaver, HH Le, P Tang, A Baslé, C Mirretta Barone, DL Vu, JL Waters, ...
Nature microbiology 7 (7), 986-1000, 2022
Resource allocation in a social wasp: effects of breeding system and life cycle on reproductive decisions
EL Johnson, TW Cunningham, SM Marriner, JL Kovacs, BG Hunt, ...
Molecular ecology 18 (13), 2908-2920, 2009
RECK isoforms have opposing effects on cell migration
HN Lee, M Mitra, O Bosompra, DC Corney, EL Johnson, N Rashed, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 29 (15), 1825-1838, 2018
Widespread changes in mRNA stability contribute to quiescence-specific gene expression patterns in a fibroblast model of quiescence
EL Johnson, DG Robinson, HA Coller
BMC genomics 18, 1-9, 2017
Identification and characterization of 3-ketosphinganine reductase activity encoded at the BT_0972 locus in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
MT Lee, HH Le, KR Besler, EL Johnson
Journal of lipid research 63 (7), 2022
Going Keto? Say ΒHB-Ye Bye to Your Gut Bifidobacteria
HH Le, EL Johnson
Cell Host & Microbe 28 (1), 3-5, 2020
The potential importance of the built-environment microbiome and its impact on human health
TCG Bosch, M Wigley, B Colomina, B Bohannan, F Meggers, KR Amato, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (20), e2313971121, 2024
Metal transporter SLC39A14/ZIP14 modulates regulation between the gut microbiome and host metabolism
SB Mitchell, TL Thorn, MT Lee, Y Kim, JMC Comrie, ZS Bai, EL Johnson, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 325 (6 …, 2023
The microbiome affects liver sphingolipids and plasma fatty acids in a murine model of the Western diet based on soybean oil
SC Di Rienzi, EL Johnson, JL Waters, EA Kennedy, J Jacobson, ...
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 97, 108808, 2021
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Articles 1–20