Roberto García
Roberto García
Associate Professor, Universitat de Lleida, Spain
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Semantic integration and retrieval of multimedia metadata
R García, Ò Celma
2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital …, 2005
A Semantic Web Approach to Digital Rights Management
R García
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010
Method for improving EEG based emotion recognition by combining it with synchronized biometric and eye tracking technologies in a non-invasive and low cost way
JM López-Gil, J Virgili-Gomá, R Gil, R García
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 10, 85, 2016
Towards an ontology for describing emotions
JM López, R Gil, R García, I Cearreta, N Garay
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society …, 2008
Semantic Web applications: a framework for industry and business exploitation–What is needed for the adoption of the Semantic Web from the market and industry
MD Lytras, R García
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 4 (1), 93-108, 2008
Formal linked data visualization model
JM Brunetti, S Auer, R García, J Klímek, M Nečaský
Proceedings of International Conference on Information Integration and Web …, 2013
Emotions ontology for collaborative modelling and learning of emotional responses
R Gil, J Virgili-Gomá, R García, C Mason
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 610-617, 2015
A web ontologies framework for digital rights management
R García, R Gil, J Delgado
Artificial Intelligence and Law 15 (2), 137-154, 2007
IPROnto: An Ontology for Digital Rights Management
J Delgado, I Gallego, S Llorente, R García
16th Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, JURIX'03 …, 2003
Mpeg-7 based multimedia ontologies: Interoperability support or interoperability issue
R Troncy, Ó Celma, S Little, R García, C Tsinaraki
1st international workshop on multimedia annotation and retrieval enabled by …, 2007
Desafío en el diseño de MOOCs: incorporación de aspectos para la colaboración y la gamificación
CS González, CA Collazos, R García
Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 2016
From Overview to Facets and Pivoting for Interactive Exploration of Semantic Web Data
JM Brunetti, R García, S Auer
International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems 9 (1), 1-20, 2013
The Linked Data Visualization Model.
JM Brunetti, S Auer, R García
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 2012
Measuring the Semantic Web.
R Gil, R García, J Delgado
MTSR, 2005
The rhizomer semantic content management system
R García, JM Gimeno, F Perdrix, R Gil, M Oliva
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society …, 2008
Facilitating business interoperability from the semantic web
R García, R Gil
Business Information Systems: 10th International Conference, BIS 2007 …, 2007
Hacia la arquitectura de la información 3.0: pasado, presente y futuro
R García, F Botella, MC Marcos
Profesional de la Informacion. 2010; 19 (4): 339-47, 2010
Building a usable and accessible semantic web interaction platform
R García, JM Gimeno, F Perdrix, R Gil, M Oliva, JM López, A Pascual, ...
World wide web 13, 143-167, 2010
Computer Supported Collaborative MOOCS: CSCM
CA Collazos, CS González, R García
3rd Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments, 2014
Publishing xbrl as linked open data
R García, R Gil
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 538, 2009
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20