Marlon Zortea
Marlon Zortea
Professor Jatai Federal University
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Cited by
Reproductive patterns and feeding habits of three nectarivorous bats (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) from the Brazilian Cerrado
M Zortéa
Brazilian Journal of Biology 63, 159-168, 2003
Bat diversity of a Cerrado habitat in central Brazil
M Zortéa, CJR Alho
Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 791-805, 2008
Observations on the big fruit-eating bat, Artibeus lituratus, in an Urban Reserve of South-east Brazil
M Zortéa, AG Chiarello
Mammalia (Paris) 58 (4), 665-670, 1994
Subfamília Stenodermatinae
M Zortéa
Morcegos do Brasil. Londrina: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina …, 2007
Folivory in the big fruit-eating bat, Artibeus lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in eastern Brazil
M Zortéa, SL Mendes
Journal of Tropical Ecology 9 (1), 117-120, 1993
Bats from Fazenda Intervales, Southeastern Brazil: species account and comparison between different sampling methods
CV Portfors, MB Fenton, LMS Aguiar, JE Baumgarten, MJ Vonhof, ...
Revista brasileira de Zoologia 17, 533-538, 2000
Where are the bats? An environmental complementarity analysis in a megadiverse country
LMS Aguiar, MJR Pereira, M Zortéa, RB Machado
Diversity and Distributions 26 (11), 1510-1522, 2020
The diet of bats from Southeastern Brazil: the relation to echolocation and foraging behaviour
MB Fenton, JO Whitaker Jr, MJ Vonhof, JM Waterman, WA Pedro, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 16, 1081-1085, 1999
Bat flies (Diptera, Streblidae and Nycteribiidae) in a Cerrado area of Goiás state, Brazil
G Graciolli, M Zortéa, LFAC Carvalho
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 54, 511-514, 2010
Field observations on the thin-spined porcupine, Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia; Echimyidae)
AG Chiarello, M Passamani, M Zortéa
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 61 (1), 29-36, 1997
Folivory in Platyrrhinus (Vampyrops) lineatus
M Zortéa
Bat Res. News 34, 59-60, 1993
Foraging behavior of the fishing bat, Noctilio leporinus (Noctilionidae)
M Zortéa, L Aguiar
Chiroptera Neotropical 7 (1-2), 140-142, 2001
A diversidade de morcegos conhecida para o Cerrado
LMS Aguiar, M Zortéa
Simpósio Nacional Cerrado & Simpósio Internacional Savanas Tropicais …, 2008
Morcegos da bacia do rio Corumbá, Goiás
M Zortéa, FR Melo, JC Carvalho, ZD Rocha
Chiroptera Neotropical 16 (1), 610-616, 2010
New records of bats for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
LMS Aguiar, M Zortéa, VA Taddei
Museum Nat Hist Naturelle, 1995
The bat fauna of the Kararaô and Kararaô Novo caves in the area under the influence of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, in Pará, Brazil
M Zortea, NA Bastos, TC Acioli
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75 (3 suppl 1), 168-173, 2015
Albinism in the striped spear-nosed bat Gardnerycteris crenulatum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) with an updated list of albino bats in the World
M Zortéa, M Cristina Silva
Mammalia 82 (1), 78-84, 2017
Os mamíferos ameaçados de extinção no Estado do Espírito Santo
AG Chiarello, LP Costa, YLR Leite, M Passamani, S Siciliano, M Zortéa
Espécies da fauna ameaçada de extinção no estado do Espírito Santo …, 2007
Tents used by Vampyressa pusilla (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in southeastern Brazil
M Zortéa, BFA De Brito
Journal of Tropical Ecology 16 (3), 475-480, 2000
O conhecimento sobre morcegos (Chiroptera: Mammalia) do estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil
P Mendes, TB Vieira, M Oprea, SR Lopes, AD Ditchfield, M Zortéa
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50, 363-373, 2010
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Articles 1–20