Terrance Loecke
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Cited by
Long‐term trends in nitrous oxide emissions, soil nitrogen, and crop yields of till and no‐till cropping systems
AS Grandy, TD Loecke, S Parr, GP Robertson
Journal of environmental quality 35 (4), 1487-1495, 2006
High nitrous oxide fluxes from rice indicate the need to manage water for both long-and short-term climate impacts
K Kritee, D Nair, D Zavala-Araiza, J Proville, J Rudek, TK Adhya, T Loecke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (39), 9720-9725, 2018
Weather whiplash in agricultural regions drives deterioration of water quality
TD Loecke, AJ Burgin, DA Riveros-Iregui, AS Ward, SA Thomas, ...
Biogeochemistry 133 (1), 7-15, 2017
Corn response to composting and time of application of solid swine manure
TD Loecke, M Liebman, CA Cambardella, TL Richard
Agronomy Journal 96 (1), 214-223, 2004
Prediction of soil carbon in the conterminous United States: visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis of the rapid carbon assessment project
NK Wijewardane, Y Ge, S Wills, T Loecke
Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (4), 973-982, 2016
Soil resource heterogeneity in terms of litter aggregation promotes nitrous oxide fluxes and slows decomposition
TD Loecke, GP Robertson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (2), 228-235, 2009
Antecedent moisture controls on stream nitrate flux in an agricultural watershed
CA Davis, AS Ward, AJ Burgin, TD Loecke, DA Riveros-Iregui, ...
Journal of environmental quality 43 (4), 1494-1503, 2014
Corn growth responses to composted and fresh solid swine manures
L Terrance D, L Matt, C Cynthia A, R Tom L
Crop science 44 (1), 177-184, 2004
The role of interface organizations in science communication and understanding
DL Osmond, NM Nadkarni, CT Driscoll, E Andrews, AJ Gold, SRB Allred, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6), 306-313, 2010
Bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers respond differently to long-term tillage and fertilizer management at a continuous maize site
LM Segal, DN Miller, RP McGhee, TD Loecke, KL Cook, CA Shapiro, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 168, 110-117, 2017
You are welcome here: A practical guide to diversity, equity, and inclusion for undergraduates embarking on an ecological research experience
BM McGill, MJ Foster, AN Pruitt, SG Thomas, ER Arsenault, J Hanschu, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (8), 3636-3645, 2021
Before the storm: antecedent conditions as regulators of hydrologic and biogeochemical response to extreme climate events
SK McMillan, HF Wilson, CL Tague, DM Hanes, S Inamdar, DL Karwan, ...
Biogeochemistry 141, 487-501, 2018
Overview of the US rapid carbon assessment project: sampling design, initial summary and uncertainty estimates
S Wills, T Loecke, C Sequeira, G Teachman, S Grunwald, LT West
Soil carbon, 95-104, 2014
Coupled soil oxygen and greenhouse gas dynamics under variable hydrology
KM Jarecke, TD Loecke, AJ Burgin
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 95, 164-172, 2016
Synchrony of net nitrogen mineralization and maize nitrogen uptake following applications of composted and fresh swine manure in the Midwest US
TD Loecke, CA Cambardella, M Liebman
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 93, 65-74, 2012
Direct and terrestrial vegetation-mediated effects of environmental change on aquatic ecosystem processes
BA Ball, JS Kominoski, HE Adams, SE Jones, ES Kane, TD Loecke, ...
BioScience 60 (8), 590-601, 2010
Determination of compost respiration rates using pressure sensors
SS Sadaka, TL Richard, TD Loecke, M Liebman
2004 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2004
Copulas and their potential for ecology
S Ghosh, LW Sheppard, MT Holder, TD Loecke, PC Reid, JD Bever, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 62, 409-468, 2020
Optimizing sampling strategies for riverine nitrate using high-frequency data in agricultural watersheds
KN Reynolds, TD Loecke, AJ Burgin, CA Davis, D Riveros-Iregui, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (12), 6406-6414, 2016
The biological basis for nitrogen management in agroecosystems
A Grandy, C Kallenbach, TD Loecke, SS Snapp, RG Smith
Microbial ecology in sustainable agroecosystems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 113-132, 2012
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Articles 1–20