Handbook of shock waves, three volume set G Ben-Dor, O Igra, T Elperin Elsevier, 2000 | 306 | 2000 |
Energy-and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for stably stratified flows. Part I: Steady-state, homogeneous regimes SS Zilitinkevich, T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii Boundary-Layer Meteorology 125 (2), 167-191, 2007 | 262 | 2007 |
Turbulence energetics in stably stratified geophysical flows: Strong and weak mixing regimes SS Zilitinkevich, T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii, I Esau, T Mauritsen, ... Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2008 | 222 | 2008 |
A hierarchy of energy-and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure models for stably-stratified geophysical flows SS Zilitinkevich, T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii, I Esau Boundary-layer meteorology 146 (3), 341-373, 2013 | 217 | 2013 |
Estimation of network reliability using graph evolution models T Elperin, I Gertsbakh, M Lomonosov IEEE Transactions on Reliability 40 (5), 572-581, 1991 | 208 | 1991 |
Ballistic impact: recent advances in analytical modeling of plate penetration dynamics–a review G Ben-Dor, A Dubinsky, T Elperin | 196 | 2005 |
Turbulent thermal diffusion of small inertial particles T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii Physical review letters 76 (2), 224, 1996 | 147 | 1996 |
Theta/sub JC/characterization of chip packages-justification, limitations, and future A Bar-Cohen, T Elperin, R Eliasi IEEE transactions on components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology 12 (4 …, 1989 | 147 | 1989 |
Self-excitation of fluctuations of inertial particle concentration in turbulent fluid flow T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii Physical review letters 77 (27), 5373, 1996 | 140 | 1996 |
Flow regime identification in a two-phase flow using wavelet transform T Elperin, M Klochko Experiments in fluids 32 (6), 674-682, 2002 | 133 | 2002 |
Applied high-speed plate penetration dynamics G Ben-Dor, A Dubinsky, T Elperin Springer 132, 213-240, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
Hysteresis processes in the regular reflection↔ Mach reflection transition in steady flows G Ben-Dor, M Ivanov, EI Vasilev, T Elperin Progress in Aerospace Sciences 38 (4-5), 347-387, 2002 | 115 | 2002 |
Thermodynamics of phase transitions in current-carrying conductors Y Dolinsky, T Elperin Physical Review B 47 (22), 14778, 1993 | 104 | 1993 |
High-speed penetration dynamics: engineering models and methods G Ben-Dor, T Elperin, A Dubinsky World Scientific, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Isotropic and anisotropic spectra of passive scalar fluctuations in turbulent fluid flow T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii Physical Review E 53 (4), 3431, 1996 | 94 | 1996 |
Experimental investigation of the interaction between weak shock waves and granular layers G Ben-Dor, A Britan, T Elperin, O Igra, JP Jiang Experiments in Fluids 22, 432-443, 1997 | 90 | 1997 |
Thermodynamics of nucleation in current-carrying conductors Y Dolinsky, T Elperin Physical Review B 50 (1), 52, 1994 | 87 | 1994 |
Formation of large-scale semiorganized structures in turbulent convection T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii, S Zilitinkevich Physical Review E 66 (6), 066305, 2002 | 86 | 2002 |
Dynamics of the passive scalar in compressible turbulent flow: large-scale patterns and small-scale fluctuations T Elperin, N Kleeorin, I Rogachevskii Physical Review E 52 (3), 2617, 1995 | 81 | 1995 |
The reflection of asymmetric shock waves in steady flows: a numerical investigation MS Ivanov, G Ben-Dor, T Elperin, AN Kudryavtsev, DV Khotyanovsky Journal of Fluid Mechanics 469, 71-87, 2002 | 77 | 2002 |