Shigalla Mahongo
Shigalla Mahongo
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization
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Wind Patterns of Coastal Tanzania: Their Variability and Trends
SB Mahongo, J Francis, SE Osima
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 10 (2), 107-120, 2012
Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes
PD Plisnier, R Kayanda, S MacIntyre, K Obiero, W Okello, A Vodacek, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 49 (6), 101988, 2023
Modelling the dynamics of the Tanzanian coastal waters
SB Mahongo, YW Shaghude
Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science 5 (1), 1-7, 2014
Analysis of rainfall variations and trends in coastal Tanzania
J Francis, SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 11 (2), 121-133, 2012
Using neural networks to forecast sea surface temperature anomalies in the western Indian Ocean
SB Mahongo, MC Deo
International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 4 (2), 133-150, 2013
Biogenic assemblage and hydrodynamic settings of the tidally dominated reef platform sediments of the Zanzibar Channel
YW Shaghude, KO Wannas, SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), 2002
Eastern Africa Atlas of Coastal Resources: Tanzania. UNEP, Nairobi, 111p.
J Francis, S Mahongo, A Semesi, C Muhando, Y Mgaya, J Daffa, M Ngoile
UNEP, 2001
Lake Victoria: Overview of research needs and the way forward
C Nyamweya, TJ Lawrence, MZ Ajode, S Smith, AO Achieng, JE Barasa, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2023
The changing global climate and its implication on sea level trends in Tanzania and the western Indian Ocean
SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 8 (2), 147-159, 2009
Lake victoria fisheries resources
YD Mgaya, SB Mahongo
Springer, 2017
Monthly variations in sea level at the island of Zanzibar
SB Mahongo, J Francis
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 9 (1), 1-16, 2010
National report of the United Republic of Tanzania on sea level measurements
IK Nhnyete, SB Mahongo
Tanzania Ports Authority and Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, 2007
Strategic Action Plan for Land-Based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine, Coastal and Associated Fresh Water Environment in the Eastern African region
SS MGANA, S Mahongo
A Report prepared by Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations …, 2002
Impacts of sea level change
S Mahongo
ODINAFRICA/GLOSS Training Workshop on Sea-Level Measurement and …, 2006
Coastal upwelling and seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass in the Pemba Channel
MS Kyewalyanga, N Peter, M Semba, SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 19-32, 2020
Factors influencing spatial patterns in primary productivity in Kenyan territorial waters
J Kamau, N Ngisiange, O Ochola, J Kilionzi, A Kimeli, SB Mahongo, ...
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 9-18, 2020
Biophysical modelling of coastal upwelling variability and circulation along the Tanzanian and Kenyan coasts
I Halo, P Sagero, M Manyilizu, SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 43-61, 2020
Adaptive capacity of small pelagic fishing communities in coastal Tanga (Tanzania) to changes in climate-related phenomena
R Mwaipopo, SB Mahongo
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 127-144, 2020
Reproductive biology of the anchovy (Stolephorus commersonnii, Lacepède, 1803) and spotted sardine (Amblygaster sirm, Walbaum, 1792) from Tanga Region, Tanzania
JS Sululu, AT Kamukuru, BC Sekadende, SB Mahongo, MM Igulu
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 81-94, 2020
Environmental changes in the Tanzanian part of Lake Victoria
IA Kimirei, M Semba, C Mwakosya, YD Mgaya, SB Mahongo
Lake Victoria fisheries resources: Research and management in Tanzania, 37-59, 2017
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Articles 1–20