Prof. Dhananjai K Pandey
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Cited by
First evidence of denitrification vis-à-vis monsoon in the Arabian Sea since Late Miocene
S Tripathi, M Tiwari, J Lee, BK Khim
Scientific reports 7 (1), 43056, 2017
Expedition 355 summary
DK Pandey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek, S Andò, JAP Bendle, S Bratenkov, ...
Proceedings of the international Ocean discovery program 355, 1-32, 2016
Fluctuations of Mediterranean Outflow Water circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz during MIS 5 to 7: Evidence from benthic foraminiferal assemblage and stable isotope records
AD Singh, AK Rai, M Tiwari, PD Naidu, K Verma, M Chaturvedi, A Niyogi, ...
Global and Planetary Change 133, 125-140, 2015
Relict subduction initiation along a passive margin in the northwest Indian Ocean
DK Pandey, A Pandey, SA Whattam
Nature communications 10 (1), 2248, 2019
Mechanism of crustal extension in the Laxmi Basin, Arabian Sea
A Pandey, DK Pandey
Geodesy and Geodynamics 6 (6), 409-422, 2015
Expedition 386 summary
M Strasser, K Ikehara, J Everest, L Maeda, K Hochmuth, H Grant, ...
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition reports …, 2023
Arabian Sea Monsoon
DK Pandey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek
Proceedings of the international ocean discovery program 355, 2016
Site U1457
DK Pandey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek, S Andò, JAP Bendle, S Bratenkov, ...
Pandey, DK, Clift, PD, Kulhanek, DK, and the Expedition 355, 2016
Structural imaging of Mesozoic sediments of Kachchh, India, and their hydrocarbon prospects
D Pandey, S Singh, M Sinha, L MacGregor
Marine and petroleum geology 26 (7), 1043-1050, 2009
Active channel systems in the middle Indus fan: Results from high-resolution bathymetry surveys
R Mishra, DK Pandey, P Ramesh, Shipboard Scientific Party SK-306
Current Science, 409-412, 2015
Paleoceanographic changes in the East China Sea during the last~ 400 kyr reconstructed using planktic foraminifera
N Vats, S Mishra, RK Singh, AK Gupta, DK Pandey
Global and Planetary Change 189, 103173, 2020
Large-scale mass wasting on the Miocene continental margin of western India
SK Dailey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek, J Blusztajn, CM Routledge, G Calvès, ...
GSA Bulletin 132 (1-2), 85-112, 2020
Offshore Extension of Deccan Traps in Kachchh, Central Western India: Implications for Geological Sequestration Studies
DK Pandey, A Pandey, S Rajan
Natural Resources Research 20 (33), 2011
Seismic imaging of Paleogene sediments of Kachchh Shelf (western Indian margin) and their correlation with sea-level fluctuations
DK Pandey, S Rajan, A Pandey
marine and petroleum Geology, 2010
A geometrical notation for stacking faults in close-packed structures
D Pandey
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 40 (6), 567-569, 1984
Identification of new deep sea sinuous channels in the eastern Arabian Sea
R Mishra, DK Pandey, P Ramesh, PD Clift
springerplus 5, 1-18, 2016
Structural characteristics of the Andaman forearc inferred from interpretation of multichannel seismic reflection data
A Goli, DK Pandey
Acta Geologica Sinica‐English Edition 88 (4), 1145-1156, 2014
Paleoceanographic evolution of the Japan Sea during the Pleistocene–A benthic foraminiferal perspective
M Das, RK Singh, A Holbourn, SH Farooq, N Vats, DK Pandey
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 566, 110238, 2021
Variations in δ13C values of sedimentary organic matter since late Miocene time in the Indus Fan (IODP Site 1457) of the eastern Arabian Sea
BK Khim, J Lee, S Ha, J Park, DK Pandey, PD Clift, DK Kulhanek, ...
Geological Magazine 157 (6), 1012-1021, 2020
Cenozoic sedimentation in the Mumbai Offshore Basin: Implications for tectonic evolution of the western continental margin of India
N Nair, DK Pandey
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 152, 132-144, 2018
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Articles 1–20