Jakub Kreisinger
Jakub Kreisinger
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Interactions between multiple helminths and the gut microbiota in wild rodents
J Kreisinger, G Bastien, HC Hauffe, J Marchesi, SE Perkins
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Do prey densities determine preferences of mammalian predators for habitat edges in an agricultural landscape?
M Šálek, J Kreisinger, F Sedláček, T Albrecht
Landscape and Urban Planning 98 (2), 86-91, 2010
The intestinal microbiota and metabolites in patients with anorexia nervosa
P Prochazkova, R Roubalova, J Dvorak, J Kreisinger, M Hill, ...
Gut microbes 13 (1), 1902771, 2021
Extrapair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in long-distant migratory passerines
T Albrecht, J Schnitzer, J Kreisinger, A Exnerová, J Bryja, P Munclinger
Behavioral Ecology 18 (2), 477-486, 2007
Cloacal microbiome structure in a long-distance migratory bird assessed using deep 16sRNA pyrosequencing
J Kreisinger, D Čížková, L Kropáčková, T Albrecht
PloS one 10 (9), e0137401, 2015
Codiversification of gastrointestinal microbiota and phylogeny in passerines is not explained by ecological divergence
L Kropáčková, M Těšický, T Albrecht, J Kubovčiak, D Čížková, O Tomášek, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (19), 5292-5304, 2017
Corridor vs. hayfield matrix use by mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape
M Šálek, J Kreisinger, F Sedláček, T Albrecht
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 134 (1-2), 8-13, 2009
Gastrointestinal microbiota of wild and inbred individuals of two house mouse subspecies assessed using high‐throughput parallel pyrosequencing
J Kreisinger, D Čížková, J Vohánka, J Piálek
Molecular Ecology 23 (20), 5048-5060, 2014
Temporal stability and the effect of transgenerational transfer on fecal microbiota structure in a long distance migratory bird
J Kreisinger, L Kropáčková, A Petrželková, M Adamkova, O Tomášek, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 50, 2017
Nest protection in mallards Anas platyrhynchos: untangling the role of crypsis and parental behaviour
J Kreisinger, T Albrecht
Functional Ecology 22 (5), 872-879, 2008
The strength of direct selection against female promiscuity is associated with rates of extrapair fertilizations in socially monogamous songbirds
T Albrecht, J Kreisinger, J Piálek
The American Naturalist 167 (5), 739-744, 2006
Metabarcoding analysis of strongylid nematode diversity in two sympatric primate species
B Pafčo, D Čížková, J Kreisinger, H Hasegawa, P Vallo, K Shutt, A Todd, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 5933, 2018
The fine-scale utilization of forest edges by mammalian mesopredators related to patch size and conservation issues in Central European farmland
J Červinka, M Šálek, P Pavluvčík, J Kreisinger
Biodiversity and Conservation 20, 3459-3475, 2011
Factors determining pochard nest predation along a wetland gradient
T Albrecht, D Hořák, J Kreisinger, K Weidinger, P Klvaňa, TC Michot
The Journal of wildlife management 70 (3), 784-791, 2006
Oral microbiota composition and antimicrobial antibody response in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Z Stehlikova, V Tlaskal, N Galanova, R Roubalova, J Kreisinger, J Dvorak, ...
Microorganisms 7 (12), 636, 2019
Unveiled feather microcosm: feather microbiota of passerine birds is closely associated with host species identity and bacteriocin-producing bacteria
VG Javůrková, J Kreisinger, P Procházka, M Požgayová, K Ševčíková, ...
The ISME journal 13 (9), 2363-2376, 2019
Admixture between released and wild game birds: a changing genetic landscape in European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
P Söderquist, J Elmberg, G Gunnarsson, CG Thulin, J Champagnon, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, 1-13, 2017
Influence of tourism and traffic on the Eurasian lynx hunting activity and daily movements
E Belotti, M Heurich, J Kreisinger, P Šustr, L Bufka
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35 (2), 235-246, 2012
Testing mechanistic explanations for mammalian predator responses to habitat edges
J Svobodová, J Kreisinger, M Šálek, M Koubová, T Albrecht
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 467-474, 2011
Sperm competition in tropical versus temperate zone birds
T Albrecht, O Kleven, J Kreisinger, T Laskemoen, TC Omotoriogun, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1752), 20122434, 2013
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Articles 1–20