Ricardo Sakai
Ricardo Sakai
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What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network
N Restrepo-Coupe, HR da Rocha, LR Hutyra, AC da Araujo, LS Borma, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182, 128-144, 2013
Importance of low-frequency contributions to eddy fluxes observed over rough surfaces
RK Sakai, DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore
Journal of applied meteorology 40 (12), 2178-2192, 2001
Boundary layer clouds and vegetation–atmosphere feedbacks
JM Freedman, DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore, RK Sakai
Journal of Climate 14 (2), 180-197, 2001
Seasonal variation in radiative and turbulent exchange at a deciduous forest in central Massachusetts
KE Moore, DR Fitzjarrald, RK Sakai, ML Goulden, JW Munger, SC Wofsy
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 35 (1), 122-134, 1996
Land‐use change effects on local energy, water, and carbon balances in an Amazonian agricultural field
RK Sakai, DR Fitzjarrald, OLL Moraes, RM Staebler, OC Acevedo, ...
Global Change Biology 10 (5), 895-907, 2004
Spatial and temporal rainfall variability near the Amazon‐Tapajós confluence
DR Fitzjarrald, RK Sakai, OLL Moraes, R Cosme de Oliveira, OC Acevedo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G1), 2008
Detecting leaf area and surface resistance during transition seasons
RK Sakai, DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 84 (3-4), 273-284, 1997
Amazon rain forest subcanopy flow and the carbon budget: Santarém LBA‐ECO site
J Tóta, DR Fitzjarrald, RM Staebler, RK Sakai, OMM Moraes, OC Acevedo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G1), 2008
Growing season water balance at a boreal jack pine forest
KE Moore, DR Fitzjarrald, RK Sakai, JM Freedman
Water Resources Research 36 (2), 483-493, 2000
Inferring nocturnal surface fluxes from vertical profiles of scalars in an Amazon pasture
OC Acevedo, OLL Moraes, R Da Silva, DR Fitzjarrald, RK Sakai, ...
Global Change Biology 10 (5), 886-894, 2004
Turbulent carbon exchange in very stable conditions
OC Acevedo, OLL Moraes, DR Fitzjarrald, RK Sakai, L Mahrt
Boundary-layer meteorology 125, 49-61, 2007
Investigation of the successive ozone episodes in the El Paso–Juarez region in the summer of 2017
NN Karle, S Mahmud, RK Sakai, RM Fitzgerald, VR Morris, WR Stockwell
Atmosphere 11 (5), 532, 2020
The evaluation of a new method to detect mixing layer heights using lidar observations
M Hicks, R Sakai, E Joseph
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 32 (11), 2041-2051, 2015
Assessing the impact of cloud cover on carbon uptake in the northern boreal forest
DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore, RK Sakai, JM Freedman
Proceedings of the AGU Meeting, Spring, S125, 1995
Remote sensing of PM2. 5 during cloudy and nighttime periods using ceilometer backscatter
S Li, E Joseph, Q Min, B Yin, R Sakai, MK Payne
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (6), 2093-2104, 2017
An automated common algorithm for planetary boundary layer retrievals using aerosol lidars in support of the US EPA Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations program
V Caicedo, R Delgado, R Sakai, T Knepp, D Williams, K Cavender, ...
Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 37 (10), 1847-1864, 2020
Nocturnal vertical CO2 accumulation in two Amazonian ecosystems
OC Acevedo, R Da Silva, DR Fitzjarrald, OLL Moraes, RK Sakai, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G1), 2008
Combined effect of El Niño southern oscillation and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation on Lake Chad level variability
C Okonkwo, B Demoz, R Sakai, C Ichoku, C Anarado, J Adegoke, ...
Cogent Geoscience 1 (1), 1117829, 2015
Boundary layer cloud climatology and enhanced forest-atmosphere exchange
JM Freedman, DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore, RK Sakai
Preprints of 23rd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 41-44, 1998
How do forest surface fluxes depend on fluctuating light level?
RK Sakai, DR Fitzjarrald, KE Moore, JM Freedman
Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology with Symposium on Fire and …, 1996
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Articles 1–20