Alessandro Zocca
Cited by
Cited by
On the interactions between multiple overlapping WLANs using channel bonding
B Bellalta, A Checco, A Zocca, J Barcelo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (2), 796-812, 2015
Emergent failures and cascades in power grids: a statistical physics perspective
T Nesti, A Zocca, B Zwart
Physical review letters 120 (25), 258301, 2018
Hitting time asymptotics for hard-core interactions on grids
FR Nardi, A Zocca, SC Borst
Journal of Statistical Physics 162, 522-576, 2016
Line failure localization of power networks part i: Non-cut outages
L Guo, C Liang, A Zocca, SH Low, A Wierman
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 4140-4151, 2021
Tunneling behavior of Ising and Potts models in the low-temperature regime
FR Nardi, A Zocca
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (11), 4556-4575, 2019
Throughput analysis in CSMA/CA networks using continuous time Markov networks: A tutorial
B Bellalta, A Zocca, C Cano, A Checco, J Barcelo, A Vinel
Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Protocols, Architectures, Tools …, 2014
Failure localization in power systems via tree partitions
L Guo, C Liang, A Zocca, SH Low, A Wierman
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 46 (2), 57-61, 2019
Line failure localization of power networks part II: Cut set outages
L Guo, C Liang, A Zocca, SH Low, A Wierman
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 4152-4160, 2021
A spectral representation of power systems with applications to adaptive grid partitioning and cascading failure localization
A Zocca, C Liang, L Guo, SH Low, A Wierman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05234, 2021
Tunneling of the hard‐core model on finite triangular lattices
A Zocca
Random Structures & Algorithms 55 (1), 215-246, 2019
Delay performance in random-access grid networks
A Zocca, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden, FR Nardi
Performance Evaluation 70 (10), 900-915, 2013
Mixing properties of CSMA networks on partite graphs
A Zocca, SC Borst, JSH Van Leeuwaarden
6th International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies …, 2012
Ising model on clustered networks: A model for opinion dynamics
S Baldassarri, A Gallo, V Jacquier, A Zocca
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 623, 128811, 2023
Temporal starvation in multi-channel csma networks: an analytical framework
A Zocca
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 46 (3), 52-53, 2019
Low-temperature behavior of the multicomponent Widom–Rowlison model on finite square lattices
A Zocca
Journal of Statistical Physics 171 (1), 1-37, 2018
A Metropolis-class sampler for targets with non-convex support
J Moriarty, J Vogrinc, A Zocca
Statistics and Computing 31, 1-16, 2021
Less is more: Real-time failure localization in power systems
L Guo, C Liang, A Zocca, SH Low, A Wierman
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3871-3877, 2019
Frequency violations from random disturbances: an MCMC approach
J Moriarty, J Vogrinc, A Zocca
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1598-1603, 2018
Line failure probability bounds for power grids
T Nesti, A Zocca, B Zwart
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
An integrated approach for failure mitigation & localization in power systems
C Liang, L Guo, A Zocca, S Yu, SH Low, A Wierman
Electric Power Systems Research 190, 106613, 2021
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Articles 1–20