Ulas Bagci
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Cited by
Artificial intelligence for the detection of COVID-19 pneumonia on chest CT using multinational datasets
SA Harmon, TH Sanford, S Xu, EB Turkbey, H Roth, Z Xu, D Yang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4080, 2020
A review on segmentation of positron emission tomography images
B Foster, U Bagci, A Mansoor, Z Xu, DJ Mollura
Computers in biology and medicine 50, 76-96, 2014
Capsules for object segmentation
R LaLonde, U Bagci
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.04241, 2018
Evaluation of candidate vaccine approaches for MERS-CoV
L Wang, W Shi, MG Joyce, K Modjarrad, Y Zhang, K Leung, CR Lees, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7712, 2015
Segmentation and image analysis of abnormal lungs at CT: current approaches, challenges, and future trends
A Mansoor, U Bagci, B Foster, Z Xu, GZ Papadakis, LR Folio, JK Udupa, ...
Radiographics 35 (4), 1056-1076, 2015
Holistic Classification of CT Attenuation Patterns for Interstitial Lung Diseases via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
M Gao, U Bagci, L Lu, A Wu, M Buty, HC Shin, H Roth, GZ Papadakis, ...
Evaluation of algorithms for multi-modality whole heart segmentation: an open-access grand challenge
X Zhuang, L Li, C Payer, D Štern, M Urschler, MP Heinrich, J Oster, ...
Medical image analysis 58, 101537, 2019
Lung and pancreatic tumor characterization in the deep learning era: novel supervised and unsupervised learning approaches
S Hussein, P Kandel, CW Bolan, MB Wallace, U Bagci
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (8), 1777-1787, 2019
How to fool radiologists with generative adversarial networks? A visual turing test for lung cancer diagnosis
MJM Chuquicusma, S Hussein, J Burt, U Bagci
2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Medical image segmentation by combining graph cuts and oriented active appearance models
X Chen, JK Udupa, U Bagci, Y Zhuge, J Yao
IEEE transactions on image processing 21 (4), 2035-2046, 2012
RETOUCH: The retinal OCT fluid detection and segmentation benchmark and challenge
H Bogunović, F Venhuizen, S Klimscha, S Apostolopoulos, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (8), 1858-1874, 2019
A Generic Approach to Pathological Lung Segmentation
A Mansoor, U Bagci, Z Xu, B Foster, KN Olivier, JM Elinoff, AF Suffredini, ...
Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2014
Risk Stratification of Lung Nodules Using 3D CNN-Based Multi-task Learning
S Hussein, K Cao, Q Song, U Bagci
Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2017
Joint segmentation of anatomical and functional images: Applications in quantification of lesions from PET, PET-CT, MRI-PET, and MRI-PET-CT images
U Bagci, JK Udupa, N Mendhiratta, B Foster, Z Xu, J Yao, X Chen, ...
Medical image analysis 17 (8), 929-945, 2013
Deep learning beyond cats and dogs: recent advances in diagnosing breast cancer with deep neural networks
JR Burt, N Torosdagli, N Khosravan, H RaviPrakash, A Mortazi, ...
The British journal of radiology 91 (1089), 20170545, 2018
Real-time multi-class helmet violation detection using few-shot data sampling technique and yolov8
A Aboah, B Wang, U Bagci, Y Adu-Gyamfi
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
TGANet: Text-guided attention for improved polyp segmentation
NK Tomar, D Jha, U Bagci, S Ali
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2022
TumorNet: Lung Nodule Characterization Using Multi-View Convolutional Neural Network with Gaussian Process
S Hussein, R Gillies, K Cao, Q Song, U Bagci
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging-2017, 2017
EEG based classification of long-term stress using psychological labeling
SMU Saeed, SM Anwar, H Khalid, M Majid, U Bagci
Sensors 20 (7), 1886, 2020
Federated learning for medical applications: A taxonomy, current trends, challenges, and future research directions
A Rauniyar, DH Hagos, D Jha, JE Håkegård, U Bagci, DB Rawat, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023
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Articles 1–20