Pol Coppin
Pol Coppin
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Review ArticleDigital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review
P Coppin, I Jonckheere, K Nackaerts, B Muys, E Lambin
International journal of remote sensing 25 (9), 1565-1596, 2004
Review of methods for in situ leaf area index determination: Part I. Theories, sensors and hemispherical photography
I Jonckheere, S Fleck, K Nackaerts, B Muys, P Coppin, M Weiss, F Baret
Agricultural and forest meteorology 121 (1-2), 19-35, 2004
Review of methods for in situ leaf area index (LAI) determination: Part II. Estimation of LAI, errors and sampling
M Weiss, F Baret, GJ Smith, I Jonckheere, P Coppin
Agricultural and forest meteorology 121 (1-2), 37-53, 2004
Digital change detection in forest ecosystems with remote sensing imagery
PR Coppin, ME Bauer
Remote sensing reviews 13 (3-4), 207-234, 1996
Endmember variability in spectral mixture analysis: A review
B Somers, GP Asner, L Tits, P Coppin
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (7), 1603-1616, 2011
Processing of multitemporal Landsat TM imagery to optimize extraction of forest cover change features
PR Coppin, ME Bauer
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote Sensing 32 (4), 918-927, 1994
Integrating contextual information with per-pixel classification for improved land cover classification
J Stuckens, PR Coppin, ME Bauer
Remote sensing of environment 71 (3), 282-296, 2000
Effects of area, age and diversity of forest patches in Belgium on plant species richness, and implications for conservation and reforestation
O Honnay, M Hermy, P Coppin
Biological conservation 87 (1), 73-84, 1999
A comparison of time series similarity measures for classification and change detection of ecosystem dynamics
S Lhermitte, J Verbesselt, WW Verstraeten, P Coppin
Remote sensing of environment 115 (12), 3129-3152, 2011
Satellite inventory of Minnesota forest resources
ME Bauer, TE Burk, AR Ek, PR Coppin, SD Lime, TA Walsh, DK Walters, ...
Detection of biotic stress (Venturia inaequalis) in apple trees using hyperspectral data: Non-parametric statistical approaches and physiological implications
S Delalieux, JAN Van Aardt, W Keulemans, E Schrevens, P Coppin
European Journal of Agronomy 27 (1), 130-143, 2007
Impact of habitat quality on forest plant species colonization
O Honnay, M Hermy, P Coppin
Forest ecology and management 115 (2-3), 157-170, 1999
Nonlinear hyperspectral mixture analysis for tree cover estimates in orchards
B Somers, K Cools, S Delalieux, J Stuckens, D Van der Zande, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (6), 1183-1193, 2009
A model quantifying global vegetation resistance and resilience to short‐term climate anomalies and their relationship with vegetation cover
W De Keersmaecker, S Lhermitte, L Tits, O Honnay, B Somers, P Coppin
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (5), 539-548, 2015
Influence of measurement set-up of ground-based LiDAR for derivation of tree structure
D Van der Zande, W Hoet, I Jonckheere, J van Aardt, P Coppin
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 141 (2-4), 147-160, 2006
Impact of forest canopy on quality and accuracy of GPS measurements
P Sigrist, P Coppin, M Hermy
International journal of remote sensing 20 (18), 3595-3610, 1999
Assessment of automatic gap fraction estimation of forests from digital hemispherical photography
I Jonckheere, K Nackaerts, B Muys, P Coppin
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 132 (1-2), 96-114, 2005
Geographical and genetic distances among zooplankton populations in a set of interconnected ponds: a plea for using GIS modelling of the effective geographical distance
E Michels, K Cottenie, L Neys, K De Gelas, P Coppin, L De Meester
Molecular Ecology 10 (8), 1929-1938, 2001
Climatic signals in tree rings of Burkea africana and Pterocarpus angolensis from semiarid forests in Namibia
E Fichtler, V Trouet, H Beeckman, P Coppin, M Worbes
Trees 18, 442-451, 2004
Nested plant communities in deciduous forest fragments: species relaxation or nested habitats?
O Honnay, M Hermy, P Coppin
Oikos, 119-129, 1999
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Articles 1–20