Asma Akter
Asma Akter
Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana
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Cited by
Flower visitation by hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in a temperate plant-pollinator network
J Klecka, J Hadrava, P Biella, A Akter
PeerJ 6, e6025, 2018
Experimental loss of generalist plants reveals alterations in plant-pollinator interactions and a constrained flexibility of foraging
P Biella, A Akter, J Ollerton, S Tarrant, Š Janeček, J Jersáková, J Klecka
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 7376, 2019
Agri‐environment schemes enhance pollinator richness and abundance but bumblebee reproduction depends on field size
C Geppert, A Hass, R Földesi, B Donkó, A Akter, T Tscharntke, P Batáry
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (9), 1818-1828, 2020
Effects of small-scale clustering of flowers on pollinator foraging behaviour and flower visitation rate
A Akter, P Biella, J Klecka
PloS one 12 (11), e0187976, 2017
An empirical attack tolerance test alters the structure and species richness of plant–pollinator networks
P Biella, A Akter, J Ollerton, A Nielsen, J Klecka
Functional Ecology 34 (11), 2246-2258, 2020
Foraging strategies are maintained despite workforce reduction: A multidisciplinary survey on the pollen collected by a social pollinator
P Biella, N Tommasi, A Akter, L Guzzetti, J Klecka, A Sandionigi, M Labra, ...
PloS one 14 (11), e0224037, 2019
Changing pollinator communities along a disturbance gradient in the Sundarbans mangrove forest: A case study on Acanthus ilicifolius and Avicennia officinalis
A Akter, P Biella, P Batáry, J Klečka
Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01282, 2020
Investigating pollination strategies in disturbed habitats: the case of the narrow-endemic toadflax Linaria tonzigii (Plantaginaceae) on mountain screes
LM Paolo Biella, Asma Akter, Antonio Jesús Muńoz-Pajares, Germano Federici ...
Plant Ecology 222 (4), 511-523, 2021
Water stress and nitrogen supply affect floral traits and pollination of the white mustard, Sinapis alba (Brassicaceae)
A Akter, J Klečka
PeerJ 10, e13009, 2022
Optimization of cryopreservation protocols for zygotic embryos of Citrus reticulata
A Akter, J Nadarajan
III International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation 1234, 137-144, 2018
From resource variation to habitat loss: how changing environment shapes the plant-pollinator interactions
A Akter
Jihočeská univerzita, 2021
Both organic farming and flower strips support biodiversity, but organic farming is more profitable at field scale
P Batáry, R Földesi, C Geppert, C Steffen, A Akter, B Donkó, ...
ECCB2018: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 12th-15th of June …, 2018
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Articles 1–12