William Giardino
William Giardino
Assistant Professor, Stanford University
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VTA dopaminergic neurons regulate ethologically relevant sleep–wake behaviors
A Eban-Rothschild, G Rothschild, WJ Giardino, JR Jones, L De Lecea
Nature neuroscience 19 (10), 1356-1366, 2016
Activation of the kappa opioid receptor in the dorsal raphe nucleus mediates the aversive effects of stress and reinstates drug seeking
BB Land, MR Bruchas, S Schattauer, WJ Giardino, M Aita, D Messinger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (45), 19168-19173, 2009
Parallel circuits from the bed nuclei of stria terminalis to the lateral hypothalamus drive opposing emotional states
WJ Giardino, A Eban-Rothschild, DJ Christoffel, SB Li, RC Malenka, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (8), 1084-1095, 2018
Stress-related neuropeptides and addictive behaviors: beyond the usual suspects
JR Schank, AE Ryabinin, WJ Giardino, R Ciccocioppo, M Heilig
Neuron 76 (1), 192-208, 2012
Hypocretin (orexin) neuromodulation of stress and reward pathways
WJ Giardino, L de Lecea
Current opinion in neurobiology 29, 103-108, 2014
To sleep or not to sleep: neuronal and ecological insights
A Eban-Rothschild, WJ Giardino, L de Lecea
Current opinion in neurobiology 44, 132-138, 2017
Urocortins: CRF's siblings and their potential role in anxiety, depression and alcohol drinking behavior
AE Ryabinin, MM Tsoory, T Kozicz, TE Thiele, A Neufeld-Cohen, A Chen, ...
Alcohol 46 (4), 349-357, 2012
CRF 1 Receptor Signaling Regulates Food and Fluid Intake in the Drinking‐in‐the‐Dark Model of Binge Alcohol Consumption
WJ Giardino, AE Ryabinin
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37 (7), 1161-1170, 2013
Urocortin-1 within the Centrally-Projecting Edinger-Westphal Nucleus Is Critical for Ethanol Preference
WJ Giardino, DL Cocking, S Kaur, CL Cunningham, AE Ryabinin
PLoS ONE 6 (10), e26997, 2011
Optical probing of orexin/hypocretin receptor antagonists
SB Li, N Nevárez, WJ Giardino, L de Lecea
Sleep 41 (10), zsy141, 2018
Hypocretins and arousal
SB Li, WJ Giardino, L Lecea
Behavioral Neuroscience of Orexin/Hypocretin, 93-104, 2017
Extended amygdala neuropeptide circuitry of emotional arousal: waking up on the wrong side of the bed nuclei of stria terminalis
WJ Giardino, MB Pomrenze
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 15, 613025, 2021
The nucleus accumbens and alcoholism: a target for deep brain stimulation
AL Ho, AMN Salib, AV Pendharkar, ES Sussman, WJ Giardino, ...
Neurosurgical Focus 45 (2), E12, 2018
Control of chronic excessive alcohol drinking by genetic manipulation of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus urocortin-1 neuropeptide system
WJ Giardino, ED Rodriguez, ML Smith, MM Ford, D Galili, SH Mitchell, ...
Translational psychiatry 7 (1), e1021-e1021, 2017
Dissection of corticotropin‐releasing factor system involvement in locomotor sensitivity to methamphetamine
WJ Giardino, R Pastor, AMJ Anacker, E Spangler, DM Cote, J Li, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior 10 (1), 78-89, 2011
Arousal state-dependent alterations in VTA-GABAergic neuronal activity
A Eban-Rothschild, JC Borniger, G Rothschild, WJ Giardino, JG Morrow, ...
eneuro 7 (2), 2020
Characterization of genetic differences within the centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice by expression profiling
WJ Giardino, DM Cote, J Li, AE Ryabinin
Frontiers In Neuroanatomy, 2012
Dissociation of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor subtype involvement in sensitivity to locomotor effects of methamphetamine and cocaine
WJ Giardino, GP Mark, MP Stenzel-Poore, AE Ryabinin
Psychopharmacology 219 (4), 1055-63, 2011
Neural circuit mechanisms of the cholecystokinin (CCK) neuropeptide system in addiction
Y Ma, WJ Giardino
Addiction neuroscience 3, 100024, 2022
Gray areas: Neuropeptide circuits linking the Edinger-Westphal and Dorsal Raphe nuclei in addiction
MB Pomrenze, LC Walker, WJ Giardino
Neuropharmacology 198, 108769, 2021
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Articles 1–20