Juan Masullo
Cited by
Cited by
The Power of Staying Put: Nonviolent Resistance against Armed Groups in Colombia
J Masullo
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, 2015
Civil resistance in armed conflict: leveraging nonviolent action to navigate war, oppose violence and confront oppression
M Hallward, J Masullo, C Mouly
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 12 (3), 1-9, 2017
Civilian contention in civil war: How ideational factors shape community responses to armed groups
J Masullo
Comparative Political Studies 54 (10), 1849-1884, 2021
Refusing to Cooperate with Armed Groups Civilian Agency and Civilian Noncooperation in Armed Conflicts
J Masullo
International Studies Review 23 (3), 887-913, 2021
A theory of civilian noncooperation with armed groups. Civilian agency and self-protection in the Colombian civil war
J Masullo
Unpublished PhD thesis, European University Institute, 2017
Voicing Outrage Unevenly: Democratic Dissatisfaction, Nonparticipation, and Participation Frequency in the 15-M Campaign
M Portos, J Masullo
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 22 (2), 201-222, 2017
From 15M to Podemos: Resistance in times of recession.
J Masullo, M Portos, D della Porta
Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales 9, 2015
PKK violence against civilians: Beyond the individual, understanding collective targeting
J Masullo, F O’connor
Terrorism and political violence 32 (1), 77-99, 2020
Who shot the bullets? Exposure to violence and attitudes toward peace: Evidence from the 2016 Colombian referendum
G Kreiman, J Masullo
Latin American Politics and Society 62 (4), 24-49, 2020
Civilian protective agency in violent settings: A comparative perspective
J Krause, J Masullo, EP Rhoads, J Welsh
Oxford University Press, 2023
Violent or non-violent action? Wartime civilian resistance in Colombia and Mozambique
C Jentzsch, J Masullo
Political Geography 99, 102761, 2022
Alternative forms of civilian noncooperation with armed groups: The case of Samaniego in Colombia
J Masullo, C Mouly, MB Garrido
Civil resistance and violent conflict in Latin America: Mobilizing for …, 2019
Civilian noncooperation as a source of legitimacy: Innovative youth reactions in the face of local violence
J Masullo
Local Peacebuilding and Legitimacy, 63-83, 2018
The Human Costs of the War on Drugs. Attitudes Towards Militarization of Security in Mexico
J Masullo, D Morisi
Comparative Political Studies 57 (6), 887-920, 2024
El desarrollo como discurso y el crecimiento como mito repensando el desarrollo, explorando el postdesarrollo
J Masullo
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá - Colombia, 2010
Risks and opportunities of direct democracy: the effect of information in Colombia's peace referendum
J Masullo, D Morisi
Politics and Governance 7 (2), 2019
Making sense of 'La Salida': Challenging left-wing control in Venezuela
J Masullo
Global diffusion of protest: riding the protest wave in the neoliberal …, 2017
La conceptualización del poder de Joseph Nye: el poder blando
J Masullo
Sobre el poder blando y el biopoder.: Evaluando el potencial impacto y …, 2011
La Genética del discurso del desarrollo
J Masullo
Revista Palobra, 84-103, 2010
Community Responses to a Changing Security Landscape at the Colombia–Venezuela Border: The Case of La Guajira
J Masullo, J Zulver, A Idler
Journal of Human Rights Practice 13 (1), 173-184, 2021
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Articles 1–20