Laurent Labeyrie
Laurent Labeyrie
Professeur d'université Bretagne sud Vannes
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Correlations between climate records from North Atlantic sediments and Greenland ice
G Bond, W Broecker, S Johnsen, J McManus, L Labeyrie, J Jouzel, ...
Nature 365 (6442), 143-147, 1993
Sea-level and deep water temperature changes derived from benthic foraminifera isotopic records
C Waelbroeck, L Labeyrie, E Michel, JC Duplessy, JF Mcmanus, ...
Quaternary science reviews 21 (1-3), 295-305, 2002
Macintosh program performs time‐series analysis
D Paillard, L Labeyrie, P Yiou
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 77 (39), 379-379, 1996
Evidence for massive discharges of icebergs into the North Atlantic ocean during the last glacial period
G Bond, H Heinrich, W Broecker, L Labeyrie, J McManus, J Andrews, ...
Nature 360 (6401), 245-249, 1992
The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal
FC Bassinot, LD Labeyrie, E Vincent, X Quidelleur, NJ Shackleton, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 126 (1-3), 91-108, 1994
Deepwater source variations during the last climatic cycle and their impact on the global deepwater circulation
JC Duplessy, NJ Shackleton, RG Fairbanks, L Labeyrie, D Oppo, N Kallel
Paleoceanography 3 (3), 343-360, 1988
E Jansen, J Overpeck, KR Briffa, JC Duplessy, F Joos, ...
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the …, 2007
Changes in east Atlantic deepwater circulation over the last 30,000 years: Eight time slice reconstructions
M Sarnthein, K Winn, SJA Jung, JC Duplessy, L Labeyrie, H Erlenkeuser, ...
Paleoceanography 9 (2), 209-267, 1994
Changes in the distribution of δ13C of deep water ΣCO2 between the Last Glaciation and the Holocene
WB Curry, JC Duplessy, LD Labeyrie, NJ Shackleton
Paleoceanography 3 (3), 317-341, 1988
Contribution of Southern Ocean surface-water stratification to low atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the last glacial period
R Francois, MA Altabet, EF Yu, DM Sigman, MP Bacon, M Frank, ...
Nature 389 (6654), 929-935, 1997
Variations in mode of formation and temperature of oceanic deep waters over the past 125,000 years
LD Labeyrie, JC Duplessy, PL Blanc
Nature 327 (6122), 477-482, 1987
High-resolution climate records from the North Atlantic during the last interglacial
JF McManus, GC Bond, WS Broecker, S Johnsen, L Labeyrie, S Higgins
Nature 371 (6495), 326-329, 1994
Patterns of ice‐rafted detritus in the glacial North Atlantic (40–55° N)
FE Grousset, L Labeyrie, JA Sinko, M Cremer, G Bond, J Duprat, E Cortijo, ...
Paleoceanography 8 (2), 175-192, 1993
SIMMAX: A modern analog technique to deduce Atlantic sea surface temperatures from planktonic foraminifera in deep‐sea sediments
U Pflaumann, J Duprat, C Pujol, LD Labeyrie
Paleoceanography 11 (1), 15-35, 1996
The North Atlantic atmosphere-sea surface 14C gradient during the Younger Dryas climatic event
E Bard, M Arnold, J Mangerud, M Paterne, L Labeyrie, J Duprat, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 126 (4), 275-287, 1994
Surface salinity reconstruction of the north-atlantic ocean during the last glacial maximum
JC Duplessy, L Labeyrie, A Juilletleclerc, F Maitre, J Duprat, M Sarnthein
Oceanologica acta 14 (4), 311-324, 1991
Insolation cycles as a major control of equatorial Indian Ocean primary production
L Beaufort, Y Lancelot, P Camberlin, O Cayre, E Vincent, F Bassinot, ...
Science 278 (5342), 1451-1454, 1997
The Dole effect and its variations during the last 130,000 years as measured in the Vostok ice core
M Bender, T Sowers, L Labeyrie
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 8 (3), 363-376, 1994
Evidence for changes in the North Atlantic Deep Water linked to meltwater surges during the Heinrich events
L Vidal, L Labeyrie, E Cortijo, M Arnold, JC Duplessy, E Michel, S Becqué, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 146 (1-2), 13-27, 1997
Reconstructing sea surface temperature and salinity using δ18O and alkenone records
F Rostek, G Ruhlandt, FC Bassinot, PJ Muller, LD Labeyrie, Y Lancelot, ...
Nature 364 (6435), 319-321, 1993
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