Peter G Coulson
Peter G Coulson
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
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Water temperature and fish growth: otoliths predict growth patterns of a marine fish in a changing climate
AN Rountrey, PG Coulson, JJ Meeuwig, M Meekan
Global change biology 20 (8), 2450-2458, 2014
The western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii), a protogynous hermaphroditic labrid with exceptional longevity, late maturity, slow growth, and both late maturation and sex change
PG Coulson, SA Hesp, NG Hall, IC Potter
Comparisons between the biology of two co-occurring species of whiting (Sillaginidae) in a large marine embayment
PG Coulson, SA Hesp, IC Potter, NG Hall
Environmental Biology of Fishes 73, 125-139, 2005
Age and growth rate variation influence the functional relationship between somatic and otolith size
EC Ashworth, NG Hall, SA Hesp, PG Coulson, IC Potter
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (5), 680-692, 2017
Growth of a deep-water, predatory fish is influenced by the productivity of a boundary current system
HM Nguyen, AN Rountrey, JJ Meeuwig, PG Coulson, M Feng, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9044, 2015
Sclerochronological studies reveal that patterns of otolith growth of adults of two co-occurring species of Platycephalidae are synchronised by water temperature variations
PG Coulson, BA Black, IC Potter, NG Hall
Marine Biology 161, 383-393, 2014
A boundary current drives synchronous growth of marine fishes across tropical and temperate latitudes
JJL Ong, AN Rountrey, BA Black, HM Nguyen, PG Coulson, SJ Newman, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (5), 1894-1903, 2018
Dietary variations within a family of ambush predators (Platycephalidae) occupying different habitats and environments in the same geographical region
PG Coulson, ME Platell, KR Clarke, IC Potter
Journal of fish biology 86 (3), 1046-1077, 2015
Life cycle characteristics of the Blue Morwong Nemadactylus valenciennesi, compared with those of other species of Cheilodactylidae
PG Coulson, SA Hesp, IC Potter, NG Hall
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (1), 104-118, 2010
The biological characteristics of Scorpis aequipinnis (Kyphosidae), including relevant comparisons with those of other species and particularly of a heavily exploited congener
PG Coulson, IC Potter, NG Hall
Fisheries Research 125, 272-282, 2012
Abundance and Distribution of the Non-indigenous Acentrogobius pflaumii and Native Gobiids in a Temperate Australian Estuary
K Hogan-West, JR Tweedley, PG Coulson, B Poh, NR Loneragan
Estuaries and Coasts 42, 1612-1631, 2019
Age and size compositions, habitats, growth and reproductive characteristics of a terapontid (Pelates octolineatus) in coastal waters
L Veale, P Coulson, N Hall, A Hesp, IC Potter
Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (6), 535-548, 2015
Shark depredation: future directions in research and management
JD Mitchell, JM Drymon, J Vardon, PG Coulson, CA Simpfendorfer, ...
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 33 (2), 475-499, 2023
Status of inshore demersal scalefish stocks on the south coast of Western Australia. NRM Project 12034 Final Report
J Norriss, EA Fisher, SA Hesp, G Jackson, PG Coulson, T Leary, ...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, 2016
Biology of the harlequin fish Othos dentex (Serranidae), with particular emphasis on sexual pattern and other reproductive characteristics
B French, IC Potter, SA Hesp, PG Coulson, NG Hall
Journal of fish biology 84 (1), 106-132, 2014
Characteristics and implications of spongivory in the Knifejaw Oplegnathus woodwardi (Waite) in temperate mesophotic waters
D Maschette, J Fromont, ME Platell, PG Coulson, JR Tweedley, IC Potter
Journal of Sea Research 157, 101847, 2020
Are charter and private-boat recreational fishers learning to live with shark depredation?
PG Coulson, KL Ryan, G Jackson
Marine Policy 141, 105096, 2022
Regional differences in the feeding of the ambush predator Neosebastes pandus and comparisons of diets in the Scorpaenidae, Triglidae and Platycephalidae
CN Greenwell, PG Coulson, JR Tweedley, NR Loneragan
Journal of Fish Biology 93 (1), 95-109, 2018
Latitudinal and sex-specific differences in growth and an exceptional longevity for the Maori snapper Lutjanus rivulatus from north-western Australia
CB Wakefield, PG Coulson, L Loudon, SJ Newman
Fisheries Research 230, 105634, 2020
Variations in biological characteristics of temperate gonochoristic species of Platycephalidae and their implications: a review
PG Coulson, NG Hall, IC Potter
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 190, 50-68, 2017
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Articles 1–20