Luc Brendonck
Luc Brendonck
Senior professor Biology (KU Leuven, Belgium) / Extraordinary professor NWU and UWC (South Africa)
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Cited by
Body size and dispersal mode as key traits determining metacommunity structure of aquatic organisms
T De Bie, L De Meester, L Brendonck, K Martens, B Goddeeris, D Ercken, ...
Ecology letters 15 (7), 740-747, 2012
Egg banks in freshwater zooplankton: evolutionary and ecological archives in the sediment
L Brendonck, L De Meester
Hydrobiologia 491, 65-84, 2003
Ponds and pools as model systems in conservation biology, ecology and evolutionary biology
L De Meester, S Declerck, R Stoks, G Louette, F Van De Meutter, T De Bie, ...
Aquatic conservation: Marine and freshwater ecosystems 15 (6), 715-725, 2005
Rapid, local adaptation of zooplankton behavior to changes in predation pressure in the absence of neutral genetic changes
C Cousyn, L De Meester, JK Colbourne, L Brendonck, D Verschuren, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (11), 6256-6260, 2001
Global diversity of large branchiopods (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in freshwater
L Brendonck, DC Rogers, J Olesen, S Weeks, WR Hoeh
Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment, 167-176, 2008
Ecological characteristics of small farmland ponds: associations with land use practices at multiple spatial scales
S Declerck, T De Bie, D Ercken, H Hampel, S Schrijvers, J Van Wichelen, ...
Biological conservation 131 (4), 523-532, 2006
Multi‐group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover
S Declerck, J Vandekerkhove, L Johansson, K Muylaert, ...
Ecology 86 (7), 1905-1915, 2005
Invertebrate community patterns in Mediterranean temporary wetlands along hydroperiod and salinity gradients
A Waterkeyn, P Grillas, B Vanschoenwinkel, LUC Brendonck
Freshwater Biology 53 (9), 1808-1822, 2008
Diapause, quiescence, hatching requirements: what we can learn from large freshwater branchiopods (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Notostraca, Conchostraca)
L Brendonck
Hydrobiologia 320, 85-97, 1996
Any way the wind blows‐frequent wind dispersal drives species sorting in ephemeral aquatic communities
B Vanschoenwinkel, S Gielen, M Seaman, L Brendonck
Oikos 117 (1), 125-134, 2008
Scale dependency of processes structuring metacommunities of cladocerans in temporary pools of High‐Andes wetlands
SAJ Declerck, JS Coronel, P Legendre, L Brendonck
Ecography 34 (2), 296-305, 2011
The role of metacommunity processes in shaping invertebrate rock pool communities along a dispersal gradient
B Vanschoenwinkel, C De Vries, M Seaman, L Brendonck
Oikos 116 (8), 1255-1266, 2007
Hatching of cladoceran resting eggs: temperature and photoperiod
J Vandekerkhove, S Declerck, LUC Brendonck, JM CONDE‐PORCUNA, ...
Freshwater Biology 50 (1), 96-104, 2005
The impact of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in a eutrophic subtropical impoundment (Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe). II. Species diversity
L Brendonck, J Maes, W Rommens, N Dekeza, T Nhiwatiwa, M Barson, ...
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 158 (3), 389-405, 2003
Relative importance of different dispersal vectors for small aquatic invertebrates in a rock pool metacommunity
B Vanschoenwinkel, S Gielen, H Vandewaerde, M Seaman, L Brendonck
Ecography 31 (5), 567-577, 2008
Freshwater rock pools: a review of habitat characteristics, faunal diversity and conservation value
M Jocque, B Vanschoenwinkel, LUC Brendonck
Freshwater Biology 55 (8), 1587-1602, 2010
Wind-borne short-range egg dispersal in anostracans (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)
LUC Brendonck, BJ Riddoch
Biological journal of the Linnean Society 67 (1), 87-95, 1999
Climatic control of dispersal–ecological specialization trade‐offs: a metacommunity process at the heart of the latitudinal diversity gradient?
M Jocque, R Field, L Brendonck, L De Meester
Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (2), 244-252, 2010
Community structure in temporary freshwater pools: disentangling the effects of habitat size and hydroregime
B Vanschoenwinkel, ANN Hulsmans, ELS De Roeck, C De Vries, ...
Freshwater Biology 54 (7), 1487-1500, 2009
Dispersal of freshwater invertebrates by large terrestrial mammals: a case study with wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Mediterranean wetlands
B Vanschoenwinkel, A Waterkeyn, TIM Vandecaetsbeek, O Pineau, ...
Freshwater Biology 53 (11), 2264-2273, 2008
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Articles 1–20