Herbivore-infested plants selectively attract parasitoids. CM De Moraes, WJ Lewis, PW Pare, HT Alborn, JH Tumlinson Nature 393, 570-573, 1998 | 1612 | 1998 |
Caterpillar-induced nocturnal plant volatiles repel conspecific females. CM De Moraes, MC Mescher, JH Tumlinson Nature 410, 577-580, 2001 | 1236 | 2001 |
Plant defense priming against herbivores: getting ready for a different battle CJ Frost, MC Mescher, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes Plant physiology 146 (3), 818-824, 2008 | 611 | 2008 |
Deceptive chemical signals induced by a plant virus attract insect vectors to inferior hosts KE Mauck, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (8), 3600-3605, 2010 | 594 | 2010 |
Volatile chemical cues guide host location and host selection by parasitic plants JB Runyon, MC Mescher, CM De Moraes Science 313 (5795), 1964-1967, 2006 | 480 | 2006 |
Within‐plant signalling via volatiles overcomes vascular constraints on systemic signalling and primes responses against herbivores CJ Frost, HM Appel, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher, JC Schultz Ecology letters 10 (6), 490-498, 2007 | 434 | 2007 |
Transmission mechanisms shape pathogen effects on host–vector interactions: evidence from plant viruses KE Mauck, NA Bosque‐Pérez, SD Eigenbrode, CM De Moraes, ... Functional Ecology 26, 1162-1175, 2012 | 422 | 2012 |
Priming defense genes and metabolites in hybrid poplar by the green leaf volatile cis‐3‐hexenyl acetate CJ Frost, MC Mescher, C Dervinis, JM Davis, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes New Phytologist 180 (3), 722-734, 2008 | 322 | 2008 |
Jasmonate‐and salicylate‐mediated plant defense responses to insect herbivores, pathogens and parasitic plants JL Smith, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher Pest Management Science: Formerly Pesticide Science 65 (5), 497-503, 2009 | 298 | 2009 |
Extrafloral Nectar, Honeydew, and Sucrose Effects on Searching Behavior and Efficiency of Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Cotton JO Stapel, AM Cortesero, CM De Moraes, JH Tumlinson, W Joe Lewis Environmental Entomology 26 (3), 617-623, 1997 | 206 | 1997 |
Malaria-induced changes in host odors enhance mosquito attraction CM De Moraes, NM Stanczyk, HS Betz, H Pulido, DG Sim, AF Read, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (30), 11079-11084, 2014 | 191 | 2014 |
Induction of plant volatiles by herbivores with different feeding habits and the effects of induced defenses on host-plant selection by thrips CM Delphia, MC Mescher, CM De Moraes Journal of chemical ecology 33, 997-1012, 2007 | 180 | 2007 |
Biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying effects of Cucumber mosaic virus on host‐plant traits that mediate transmission by aphid vectors KE Mauck, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher Plant, cell & environment 37 (6), 1427-1439, 2014 | 171 | 2014 |
Flow analysis strategies to greener analytical chemistry. An overview FRP Rocha, JA Nóbrega, FF CM De Moraes Green Chemistry 3 (5), 216-220, 2001 | 162 | 2001 |
Gall insects can avoid and alter indirect plant defenses JF Tooker, JR Rohr, WG Abrahamson, CM De Moraes New Phytologist 178 (3), 657-671, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
Pathogen effects on vegetative and floral odours mediate vector attraction and host exposure in a complex pathosystem L Shapiro, CM De Moraes, AG Stephenson, MC Mescher Ecology Letters 15 (12), 1430-1438, 2012 | 131 | 2012 |
Is Catalase Activity One of the Factors Associated with Maize Resistance to Aspergillus flavus? ZV Magbanua, CM De Moraes, TD Brooks, WP Williams, DS Luthe Molecular plant-microbe interactions 20 (6), 697-706, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Regulation of extracellular chitinases and proteases in the entomopathogen and acaricide Metarhizium anisopliae C De Moraes, A Schrank, MH Vainstein Current microbiology 46 (3), 205-210, 2003 | 127 | 2003 |
Intrinsic and extrinsic competitive interactions between two larval parasitoids of Heliothis virescens CM De Moraes, AM Cortesero, JO Stapel, WJ Lewis Ecological Entomology 24 (4), 402-410, 1999 | 120 | 1999 |
Non-glandular trichomes of Solanum carolinense deter feeding by Manduca sexta caterpillars and cause damage to the gut peritrophic matrix RR Kariyat, JD Smith, AG Stephenson, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1849), 20162323, 2017 | 117 | 2017 |