Emily Moes
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Cited by
Early isotopic evidence for maize as a staple grain in the Americas
DJ Kennett, KM Prufer, BJ Culleton, RJ George, M Robinson, WR Trask, ...
Science Advances 6 (23), eaba3245, 2020
New Mexico decedent image database
HJH Edgar, S Daneshvari Berry, E Moes, NL Adolphi, P Bridges, K Nolte
Office of the Medical Investigator, University of New Mexico: Albuquerque …, 2020
South-to-north migration preceded the advent of intensive farming in the Maya region
DJ Kennett, M Lipson, KM Prufer, D Mora-Marín, RJ George, N Rohland, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1530, 2022
New Mexico Decedent Image Database. Office of the Medical Investigator, University of New Mexico
HJH Edgar, S Daneshvari Berry, E Moes, NL Adolphi, P Bridges, KB Nolte
Sex differences in linear enamel hypoplasia prevalence and frailty in Ancestral Puebloans
L O'Donnell, E Moes
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 39, 103153, 2021
Increased dental fluctuating asymmetry is associated with active skeletal lesions, but not mortality hazards in the precontact Southwest United States
L O'Donnell, E Moes
American journal of physical anthropology 175 (1), 156-171, 2021
Childhood stress and developmental instability: Comparing microscopic enamel defects and cranial fluctuating asymmetry in a colonial Mexican sample
E Moes, C Willermet, K Hunley, C Ragsdale, HJH Edgar
American Journal of Biological Anthropology 179 (1), 134-147, 2022
Linear Enamel hypoplasia in permanent dentition of children in the late Archaic and the late Prehistoric river valley
E Moes, SH Blatt
Dental Anthropology 31 (2), 3-17, 2018
Conventional microscopy makes perikymata count and spacing data feasible for large samples
HJH Edgar, E Moes, C Willermet, C S. Ragsdale
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 176 (2), 321-331, 2021
Cranial fluctuating asymmetry from high and low status ossuaries in Colonial Mexico City
C Willermet, E Moes, K Rusk, HJH Edgar, CS Ragsdale, P Lynch
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171, 307-307, 2020
A view of stress and inequality in colonial Mexico City through cranial fluctuating asymmetry
C Willermet, E Moes, KM Rusk, HJH Edgar, CS Ragsdale
The Biocultural Consequences of Contact in Mexico: Five Centuries of Change, 213, 2023
Colonialism, ethnogenesis, and biogeographic ancestry in the US Southwest
K Hunley, E Moes, H Edgar, M Healy, C Mosley, A Dixon
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 176 (4), 559-571, 2021
Differential Impacts of Subsistence on Developmental Stress in Prehistoric Ohio Valley Children
E Moes, SH Blatt
Dental Anthropology Journal 31 (2), 3-17, 2018
Estimating African ancestry in two historic ossuaries in New Spain
C Willermet, HJH Edgar, E Moes, CS Ragsdale
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165, 300-300, 2018
Current research on Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene human remains from the Bladen Nature Reserve in southern Belize
EC Hill, E Moes, WR Trask, E Kate, C McKenzie, HJH Edgar, DJ Kennett, ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165, 120-120, 2018
Boots made for walking: two late nineteenth century burials from Walters Ferry, Idaho
SH Blatt, KC Reid, CE Quade, E Moes, K Taylor
Idaho Archaeologist 40, 1-20, 2017
Oral health among New Mexican decedents aged 35-44 using NMDID postmortem CT scans
H Cantrell, E Moes, N Neff, H Edgar
Dental Anthropology Journal 37 (2), 3-19, 2024
Sex‐specific effects of environmental temperature during gestation on fluctuating asymmetry in deciduous teeth
E Moes, CW Kuzawa, HJH Edgar
American Journal of Biological Anthropology, e24944, 2024
Mortuary Practices and the Importance of Rock-Shelters during the Early and Middle Holocene in the Southern Maya Mountains
E Moes, L O'Donnell, NC Neff, JI Cerezo-Román, WR Trask, DJ Kennett, ...
Bioarchaeology International, 2024
Sensitive Developmental Windows in Craniofacial and Dental Fluctuating Asymmetry
E Moes
The University of New Mexico, 2024
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Articles 1–20