Ole Geertz-Hansen
Ole Geertz-Hansen
Senior scientist, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
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Cited by
Changes in community structure and biomass of seagrass communities along gradients of siltation in SE Asia
J Terrados, CM Duarte, MD Fortes, J Borum, NSR Agawin, S Bach, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46 (5), 757-768, 1998
Depth colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and macroalgae as determined by water transparency in Danish coastal waters
SL Nielsen, K Sand-Jensen, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Estuaries 25, 1025-1032, 2002
Growth and grazing control of abundance of the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca L. in a eutrophic Danish estuary
O Geertz-Hansen, KAJ Sand-Jensen, DF Hansen, A Christiansen
Aquatic Botany 46 (2), 101-109, 1993
Phytoplankton, nutrients, and transparency in Danish coastal waters
SL Nielsen, K Sand-Jensen, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Estuaries 25, 930-937, 2002
Submerged macrophyte seed bank in a Mediterranean temporary marsh: abundance and relationship with established vegetation
P Grillas, P Garcia-Murillo, O Geertz-Hansen, N Marbá, C Montes, ...
Oecologia 94, 1-6, 1993
Mangrove colonization: mangrove progression over the growing Pak Phanang (SE Thailand) mud flat
N Panapitukkul, CM Duarte, U Thampanya, P Kheowvongsri, N Srichai, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47 (1), 51-61, 1998
The Effect of Increased Sediment Accretion on the Survival and Growth ofRhizophora apiculataSeedlings
J Terrados, U Thampanya, N Srichai, P Kheowvongsri, O Geertz-Hansen, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 45 (5), 697-701, 1997
Relationship between sediment conditions and mangrove Rhizophora apiculata seedling growth and nutrient status
CM Duarte, O Geertz-Hansen, U Thampanya, J Terrados, MD Fortes, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 175, 277-283, 1998
Sediment properties along gradients of siltation in South-east Asia
L Kamp-Nielsen, JE Vermaat, I Wesseling, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54 (1), 127-137, 2002
The determination of the age and growth of SE Asian mangrove seedlings from internodal counts
CM Duarte, U Thampanya, J Terrados, O Geertz‐Hansen, MD Fortes
Mangroves and Salt Marshes 3, 251-257, 1999
Copepod nutritional condition and pelagic production during autumn in Kosterfjorden, western Sweden
U Båmstedt, JL Håkanson, J Brenner-Larsen, PK Björnsen, ...
Marine Biology 104, 197-208, 1990
Modelling advective transport of Ulva lactuca (L) in the sheltered bay, Møllekrogen, Roskilde Fjord, Denmark
J Salomonsen, M Flindt, O Geertz-Hansen, C Johansen
Hydrobiologia 397, 241-252, 1999
Potential for cumulative effects of human stressors on fish, sea birds and marine mammals in Arctic waters
JH Andersen, F Berzaghi, T Christensen, O Geertz-Hansen, A Mosbech, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 184, 202-206, 2017
Ulva lactuca
O Geertz-Hansen, K Sand-Jensen
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 81, 179-183, 1992
Significance of advective transport of Ulva lactuca for a biomass budget on a shallow water location
J Salomonsen, MR Flindt, O Geertz-Hansen
Ecological Modelling 102 (1), 129-132, 1997
A field technique for the determination of zooplankton grazing on natural bacterioplankton
PK BJøRNSEN, JB Larsen, O Geertz-Hansen, M Olesen
Freshwater Biology 16 (2), 245-253, 1986
Characterisation and chemometric evaluation of 17 elements in ten seaweed species from Greenland
KJ Kreissig, LT Hansen, PE Jensen, S Wegeberg, O Geertz-Hansen, ...
PLoS One 16 (2), e0243672, 2021
Fytoplankton-og makrofytudvikling i danske kystområder
K Sand-Jensen, SL Nielsen, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Miljøstyrelsen, 1994
Comparison of heavy metals, parasites and histopathology in sculpins (Myoxocephalus spp.) from two sites at a lead-zinc mine in North East Greenland
RD Nørregaard, M Dang, L Bach, O Geertz-Hansen, K Gustavson, ...
Environmental research 165, 306-316, 2018
Zooplankton consumption of bacteria in a eutrophic lake and in expermental enclosures
O Geertz-Hansen, M Olesen, PK Bjørnsen, JB Larsen, B Riemann
Fundamental and Applied Limnology 110, 553-563, 1987
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Articles 1–20