Diego Aycinena
Diego Aycinena
Senior Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania
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Savings in Transnational Households: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
N Ashraf, D Aycinena, C Martínez A., D Yang
Review of Economics and Statistics 97 (2), 332-351, 2015
Channeling Remittances to Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
K Ambler, D Aycinena, D Yang
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7 (2), 207-32, 2015
The impact of remittance fees on remittance flows: Evidence from a field experiment among Salvadoran migrants
D Aycinena, C Martinez, D Yang
Mimeo, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan., 2011
Risk Preferences and Prenatal Exposure to Sex Hormones for Ladinos
D Aycinena, R Baltaduonis, L Rentschler
PLOS ONE 9 (8), 2014
Off the charts: Massive unexplained heterogeneity in a global study of ambiguity attitudes
O l’Haridon, FM Vieider, D Aycinena, A Bandur, A Belianin, L Cingl, ...
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (4), 664-677, 2018
Social norms and dishonesty across societies
D Aycinena, L Rentschler, B Beranek, JF Schulz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (31), 2022
Remittance Responses to Temporary Discounts: A Field Experiment among Central American Migrants
K Ambler, D Aycinena, D Yang
NBER Working Paper No. 20522, 2014
Discounting and digit ratio: Low 2D: 4D predicts patience for a sample of females
D Aycinena, L Rentschler
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 11, 257, 2018
Intertemporal choice experiments and large-stakes behavior
D Aycinena, S Blazsek, L Rentschler, C Sprenger
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 196 (April), 484-500, 2022
Auctions with endogenous participation and an uncertain number of bidders: experimental evidence
D Aycinena, L Rentschler
Experimental Economics 21, 924–949, 2018
Informed entry in auctions
D Aycinena, H Bejarano, L Rentschler
International Journal of Game Theory 47, 175–205, 2017
Entry in contests with incomplete information: Theory and experiments
D Aycinena, L Rentschler
European Journal of Political Economy 60, 101803, 2019
Smoothing, discounting, and demand for intra-household control for recipients of conditional cash transfers
D Aycinena, S Blazsek, L Rentschler, B Sandoval
Journal of Applied Economics 22 (1), 219-242, 2019
Valuation structure in first-price and least-revenue auctions: an experimental investigation
D Aycinena, R Baltaduonis, L Rentschler
Experimental Economics 17 (1), 100-128, 2014
Measuring Norms: Assessing the threat of Social Desirability Bias to the Bicchieri and Xiao elicitation method
D Aycinena, F Bogliacino, EO Kimbrough
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2024
Measuring Norms: A Comparison of the Predictive and Descriptive Power of Three Methods
F Bogliacino, D Aycinena, E Kimbrough
SocArXiv, 2023
Measuring Norms: Assessing the Krupka-Weber elicitation method
D Aycinena, F Bogliacino, Kimbrough, Erik
Working Paper, 2023
Interactions in a High Immigration Context
D Aycinena, FBG Arellano, J Torres
Peruvian Economic Association Working Papers, 2024
Negative Income Shocks, COVID, and Trust
D Aycinena, M Blanco
Universidad del Rosario Documentos de Trabajo, 2023
Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It's a matter of timing
D Aycinena, A Elbittar, A Gomberg, L Rentschler
Games and Economic Behavior 141, 182-195, 2023
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Articles 1–20